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Elara looked up from where she sat, three different books on star charts open in front of her.

Pansy Parkinson was storming towards Draco's table, her elegant face contorted in anger.

"Where have you been?" she hissed, earning looks from students sitting nearby. "We promised to meet after classes."

Elara's eyebrows raised as she turned her focus back to the books in front of her, her ears still perked to listen to the conversation.

"And as you can see," Draco drawled, putting down his quill and settling back into his seat. "I'm here."

Pansy was silent for a moment. "You promised -"

"Something came up."

"Oh, really? What?"

Elara heard the rustling of paper and then Pansy said, incredulously, "How to break Anti-Apparition wards? For Merlin's sake, why are you reading -"

Elara looked up again just in time to see Draco slam the book he was reading shut, his glare murderous. "None of your bloody business, Pansy. Since when do you care about anything more than finding a way to get into my bed?"

Elara suppressed a gasp and looked away again, her curiousity peaked. He was studying Anti-Apparition wards. Why?

And was he really fucking Pansy?

Elara shoved the last thought away, disgusted with herself.

Pansy was so silent Elara glanced at her to see if she was still there. She was red in the face and strands of her soft hair had escaped from the knot on top of her head in her rush here.

"You, Mr. Malfoy," she breathed, her chest heaving, "are the most heartless bastard I've ever met."

With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the library, ignoring the glances she received as she did.

Elara scratched out a few more notes onto her parchment and said, just loud enough for Draco to hear, "I'm inclined to agree with her."

She looked up to see Draco's gaze flicker to her from across her. He was one table away but looked like he wouldn't hesitate to reach over and throttle her.

"Shut up, Jacobs," he growled, sneering at her.

"Make me." The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them and she cursed, inwardly.

Draco's eyes darkened for a moment and suddenly, he pushed himself to his feet, crossing the space to her table with easy, long strides.

Elara's fingers tightened over the quill in her hand as he came to stand next to her chair, one hand gripping the back of it, the other flat against the desk as he leaned over her.

the boy who had no choice [d.m]Where stories live. Discover now