𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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"It's not going to fall."

"It's going to fall."

"It's not going to -"


"I told you."

Elara huffed and bent to pick the box up off the floor, hauling it onto the desk. "Maybe if you helped, I'd be able to get it up onto the shelf easier."

Draco looked unbothered from where he was sprawled out in the chair behind the Professor's desk, legs stretched out on the table, tossing a small crystal sphere in his hand.

"I've got such a splendid view of you from over here," he drawled, meeting her eyes and smirking as he caught the sphere again. "I think I'll stay right where I am."

Elara rolled her eyes and sighed, deeply. "You really are a prat, you know that, right?"

He stopped tossing the crystal ball to tap his index to his temple. "Memorised."

Elara shook her head with a smile and hefted the heavy box into her arms once more. She lifted it above her head, stretching onto her tiptoes to try and fit it into the top shelf of the cabinet.

Draco's eyes burned into her back.

She wobbled and pushed herself up further, as far as she could go, managing to get the edge of the box onto the shelf but nothing more.

She heard a sigh and the sound of Draco sliding his legs off the desk and her arms burned as she waited for him to come up behind her.

"You're so tiny, it's ridiculous," he breathed in her ear, his arms coming into her view as he reached up and grasped the box, pushing it into the top shelf with no effort.

He, simultaneously, dropped a kiss to the side of her head and she relaxed her body, dropping her arms and sinking back into him.

"You're just tall," she replied, his warmth seeping into her and making her feel giddy.

"Mmm," he hummed, nose brushing her jaw as he kissed below her ear. She exhaled, blissfully, letting her eyes fall shut. "Now, get back to work."

Elara groaned as he pulled away, moving back to the teacher's desk and settling back onto the chair. "You're in detention too, you know."

"Only 'cause you were busy daydreaming about my dick in Potions."

Elara's eyes flew open and she whirled around to glare at him, a cocky grin plastered on his face. "You're the one who blew up your own cauldron."

Draco shrugged, nonchalant. "I thought purple suited Fletcher."

Elara giggled with a shake of her head, facing the cabinet again. She'd been at this for an hour now and had made good progress.

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