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[trigger warning: gore, death, war.
also, pls keep in mind that my plot diverges from the main hp plots]

also, pls keep in mind that my plot diverges from the main hp plots]

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It had probably been an hour or so since Elara had been sat there against the door, having tried everything to unlock it, including six different types of creative jinxes.

But whatever she did, it wouldn't budge. She'd given up and collapsed against the door, wrapping her arms around her knees and watching the Giant Squid float past the window.

She only stood up to change back into her clothes, transfiguring her skirt into jeans to hide the marks from where Draco had gripped her thighs too hard. She buttoned her shirt with shaking fingers and combed her hair back into a ponytail, stepping into the bathroom to splash water on her face and Charm away the bites on her neck.

As soon as Draco came back, she'd tear him apart.

Because there was no way he didn't care about her. She refused to believe it.

Not when he'd told her he wanted this to last for the rest of his life, not when he'd kissed her tenderly and she promised to love him forever, not when he had forced her to eat and risked expulsion and asked her to stay the night so he could sleep better, not when he'd slept with stars on his ceiling every night they were apart -

She shook herself out of her thoughts, staring at her reflection in the mirror. The mirror she had locked eyes with him in once upon a time before he turned her and lifted her onto the counter so he could kiss her, gently, warm hands sliding under the shirt that he had given to her to caress her waist.

She shook her head, holding back a sob, and headed back into the room, settling against the door again, burying her face in her arms.

That was when the screaming started.

Elara's head snapped up as soon as it did, a terrible, gut-twisting sound that reverberated through her bones.

It sounded like a girl - but she couldn't be sure - and it was a sound filled with agony and pain.

Elara was on her feet as soon as the familiar sounds of wandwork began, sharp, explosive pops that she had heard so many times in her lifetime.

Someone was dueling.

No. She calculated the number of spells she heard being thrown in twenty seconds - far too many to emit from one wand in that time period.

Multiple people were dueling.

And then the laughter started. Cruel, maniacal laughter and the screaming cut out - so abrupt Elara couldn't find any explanation except that they had been knocked out or -

No. No one could kill anybody in Hogwarts.

But the laughter - it was older, deeper and so cruel Elara's blood froze over. This was not a teacher or any member of staff in the school.

the boy who had no choice [d.m]Where stories live. Discover now