𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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[not this chapter being 4000 words and purely sex. listen, it's cause i WaS tRYinG to SHOw chaRActEr devLOPment okaY. totally not because i got carried away in the thROES OF PASSION]

 totally not because i got carried away in the thROES OF PASSION]

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Draco kissed her, feverishly and like a man starving, thanking her in the only way he knew how.

His hands rested on her bare back, drawing her closer, and Elara slid her hands up his shoulders, locking her wrists behind his neck.

She let out a soft breath when his tongue dragged across her lower lip and he pulled back an inch.

"It's perfect," he said and a wave of joy surged in her, making her feel giddy.

He brought her mouth to his again and his hands slid lower on her back.

Elara nipped at his bottom lip, securing it between her teeth before she pulled back and released it. Draco made a sound low in his throat.

"You should not be kissing me like that in a room with a bed."

"Why not?" Elara inquired, innocently, batting her eyelashes as a tease. "I don't see anything wrong with -"

The rest of her sentence was knocked out of her as Draco practically tackled her onto her bed and she let out a breathless laugh against his mouth as he settled in between her legs.

He pulled back to look at her, arms straightening to keep his weight up, and she could see the lust in his eyes.

He didn't say anything before he dipped his head into her neck, kissing a trail down her throat and along the curve of her bare shoulder, skipping over the strap of the dress. "Fuck, I love you in this dress."

Elara's heart surged in her chest at the first four words and she quickly forced herself to calm down. He was not telling her he loved her.

"When I saw you in it," he rasped in her ear, tugging at her earlobe with his teeth, "you have no idea how much restraint it took not to drag you out of that ballroom and fuck you against the wall. You looked like a fucking Slytherin and it was - the hottest thing I've seen to date."

She gazed up at the stars on the ceiling above them, silently thanking Pansy, and whimpering as Draco left marks all over her skin - wherever he could reach.

When her hands moved to his belt, his dropped over it, stopping her, and he pulled back, soft hair grazing the top of her head.

"Not here," he murmured, ducking to kiss her, sinking his teeth into her lip and she groaned, making him smirk. "I don't want to be worried about someone walking in."

Elara looked at him, frustrated. "We have time - they probably won't be back for a bit -"

"I'm not rushing this," Draco told her, thumb caressing her cheek as he continued to fix her with those silver eyes. "Tonight, I intend to take my time with you."

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