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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Thanks," Bonnie Bennett smiles at her friend as he passes along the fresh bag of french fries and burgers over the bar.

"Sure," Matt Donovan returns the smile, leaning his elbows on the wooden counter. "Who's the extra burger for?"

"Elena," Bonnie replies, popping a fry in her mouth. "She's at the Salvatores, and they don't have any food."

"Tell her I say hi," Bonnie agrees and says a quick goodbye to Matt, before making her way towards the exit of the Grill. She catches the eye of Sheriff Forbes, who stands talking to a hooded woman, and decides to go and say hello.

"Hey Sheriff," She smiles kindly.

"Bonnie! How are you and you're dad?"

"We're doing good," Bonnie nods politely, glancing at the woman besides the Sheriff. As soon as their eyes meet, the young witch feels an unsettling chill run down her spine.

The woman is young, by the looks of it, yet has an old and mysterious aura about her. Standing an inch or two above Bonnie, but still shorter than the Sherriff. She has eyes the color of dewy grass, pale and green, with an unsettling hardness within them. Her dark brown curls cascade down her shoulder and cut short right above her chest. But what stands out most is the necklace hanging around her neck. A deep purple talisman, encased in a murky silver and hanging from a similar silver chain. It pops out against her smooth, caramel skin tone, and almost draws Bonnie towards it.

"I don't think we've met," The Bennett isn't sure why she decides to introduce herself, but before she knows it, she's extending her hand toward the strange woman. Something about her gives Bonnie a bad feeling, so she may as well get a psychic reading on her while she can. "I'm Bonnie Bennett."

"Arabella," She clasps her hand around Bonnie's, who immediately attempts to see something-- anything-- about her. However, she comes back with... nothing. Absolutely nothing, as if this girl is blocking her out. "Arabella Salvatore."

Bonnie's polite smile immediately drops, her eyes widening. "Did you say Salvatore?"

"Arabella here was just telling me how she came to town to visit her brothers," Sheriff Forbes explains. "You know Stefan, right Bonnie?" The witch can only nod, swallowing.

"I should actually get going, I have to meet a, uh, friend," Bonnie stutters out, tightening her grip on the bag of food. As soon as she's able to leave the two, she whips out her phone and dials Elena's number. "Elena, you are not going to believe who I just met."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"And she said she was their sister?" Elena's brows furrow at her best friend, who stands at the doorstep of the Salvatore Boarding house. Bonnie nods quickly.

"Yes. But that wasn't even the worst part. I couldn't get a read on her, Elena. Like she was blocking me or something. I've only ever known that to happen with other witches," She hisses, quickly glancing behind her to make sure there are no new visitors.

"So she's a witch?" Elena confirms, sighing. "And obviously lying."


"Well, Stefan would've told me if he had a sister. So she must be lying," Elena decides, setting her portion of the food down on a table.

"Or Stefan just didn't tell you," Bonnie points out, crossing her arms.

"Why wouldn't he tell me he has a sister?" Elena shakes her head, refusing to believe her boyfriend has kept something this big from her. "And besides, Damon wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut about having a sister for this long. One of them would've mentioned something."

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