T H I R T Y - O N E

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Stefan is spread on paper thin ice, perhaps even thinner. Or at least he feels he is, after the week he's been having. First, searching for the Cure was a bust, then Jeremy died, Elena turned her humanity off, and now, he may just have another immortal psycho to deal with. All while his brother is in New York on some sort of trip. If one sibling can't help him, he'll just have to turn to the other.

    "Stefan, do you think New York actually has sewer alligators?" Arabella looks up from her phone as her brother walks into the room, sitting cross legged on her bed. "Like, I know it's unrealistic, but so are vampires and here we are. What do you think are the chances of Damon getting eaten by one while he's there?" Stefan halts at her words.

    "Wait, he told you he was going to New York?"

"Duh, I'm the only one who doesn't care enough to stop him," She snorts, looking back down at her phone. "In case he accidentally pisses off Elena and she tries to kill him, we'll know where to pick up the body."

    Stefan sighs, sitting on the edge of her bed and grimacing at the photoshopped pictures of alligators being found in sewers. "She turns her humanity off and he takes her on a vacation."

    "Ah, c'mon, she's a new vamp," Arabella shrugs. "It's part of the experience. Remember when I turned mine off? I was bad. I was worse than Damon, almost as bad as you."

    "No, you weren't as bad as me," Stefan shakes his head, looking down at his hands.

"If I had the Ripper gene, then I probably would've been," Arabella counters, pointing her phone at him. Quietly, almost somberly, she adds, "Eighty-six innocent humans in three months. Just to try and feel something."

"Yeah, well, you never turned it off again after that," Stefan comforts, knowing the darkness she felt during that period.

"The Dirty Thirties," Arabella snorts, shaking her head. "The Great Depression, dust storms, and yet another psycho Salvatore on the loose. What a time to be undead."

"Speaking of the undead," Stefan sighs, smoothening down his hair. "I think Silas is in town," His words leave Arabella slack jawed and speechless. "Oh. I'm guessing no one told you he was real? How did you think Jeremy died?"

"I-I was told Katherine killed him," Arabella sputters. "You're telling me Kol wasn't crazy?"

"No, Kol was a lunatic," Stefan frowns thoughtfully. "But he was right about Silas. Hospitals around the area are reporting sudden blood shortages. Wasn't any of us, so I think it was him. Which means he followed us back from the island."

"Well, that's just great," Arabella grumbles, throwing her phone down. "One problem on top of the other. Who exactly are we looking for?"

"We don't know what he looks like, but we need to find him. He wants the Cure to become mortal so he can die and reunite with his one true love."

"Aw, modern day love story," Arabella grimaces. "So what? We keep the Cure away from him, bingo bango, problem solved."

"Except he's supernatural," Stefan points out. "The Other Side was created for him. If he takes the Cure and dies, he'll go there, unless he destroys it."

"Which would release every Supernatural creature that's died," The pieces click together in Arabella's head. "Okay, I'm seeing the problem now. What do we do?"

"I don't even know where to start," Stefan admits honestly, rubbing his forehead. Arabella clicks her tongue.

"Well, I might know someone who can help."

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