T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Thanks for meeting me," Tyler looks up from his phone, watching Arabella jog down the steps into the Lockwood cellar as quickly as she can.

"Yeah, for sure," Tyler seems uneasy as he stands up. "Can you explain why, though? You were kind of vague on the phone."

"I'm sorry, but time is running out," Arabella mumbles, setting her bag on the floor and taking out some materials. "We need to start."

"Start what?"

Arabella bites her lip, looking up. "I need to put Klaus in your body."

"What?" Tyler snaps, his eyes wide. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Listen to me," Arabella stands up, holding her hands out. She may have her magic back, but Tyler is a werewolf. One bite and she's screwed. "Alaric is probably already with Damon and Klaus-- he's going to kill him. If he kills Klaus, you, me, Caroline, my brothers-- we're all dead."

"So how does Klaus body jumping into me tie into this?" Tyler asks angrily.

"He's the head of our sireline-- if I can transfer his soul into another body, maybe I can save the rest of us."

"But why me?"

"I've never done a spell like this before," Arabella admits hastily. "It's easier if I transfer him into the same species he is-- a hybrid. You're the only hybrid in Mystic Falls, and there's not enough time to find one of his other one's. Tyler please, it's only temporary. I know how much Klaus has screwed you over--"

"Yeah," Tyler scoffs, running a hand through his cropped black hair. He sighs, closing his eyes. "Temporary?"

"He'll switch bodies the first chance he gets, I promise," Arabella confirms. "I already made a deal with him."

"Isn't he desiccated?"

"He can still blink yes and no," Arabella shrugs. "Not like he has much choice. Will you do it?"

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Regret. That's exactly what Arabella is feeling. Pure regret. She'd honestly rather be dead right now.

Klaus alone is annoying. But Klaus in Tyler's body, complaining about anything and everything? It's just about makes Arabella want to tear her own hair out. She had left to go get a snack and get away from Klaus, but as soon as she comes back down into the cellar, the blood bag drops from her hands.

"What is that?"

"Oh this?" Klaus in Tyler's body smirks, patting the coffin where his true body lays in, still desiccated. "This is the body of an actual man. Not this sorry excuse for--"

"I thought it was destroyed," Arabella cuts him off. She's had to listen to Klaus insult Tyler's body since he jumped into it. Any more and she will very well go insane.

"Fate and oxygen intervened," Klaus shrugs, staring down at himself. "Put me back."

"That wasn't the deal."

"It is now," He growls, speeding up to her. Klaus doesn't get close before Arabella grabs Tyler's body by the shoulders and easily throws him against a wall like he's nothing. He hits it with a loud thud and groan.

"You forget, you're not as powerful anymore," Arabella watches him in amusement. "Tyler may be a hybrid, but I'm older, so therefore, stronger."

"For now," Klaus grumbles, struggling up. It's been awhile since he's been weaker than someone. "You should be helping me, love. The stronger my body, the more indestructible I am. I thought you wanted me to live?"

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