T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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It's late by the time Arabella comes home. She has hopes that the girls have already gone to sleep, and she can sneak in without anybody noticing.

She doesn't expect for Damon and Stefan to be waiting for her in the living room.

Elena and the girls are not there, a few remnants of their night left behind. Stefan stands by the fireplace with his arms crossed, Damon sitting in an armchair drinking a glass of bourbon, scowling.

"Where are the girls?" Arabella asks, setting her keys down on the table, She eyes her brothers suspiciously, wondering why they look like parents about to give a lecture.

"Asked Elena to wait upstairs. We need to talk to you," Stefan replies simply.

"O-kay," Arabella stretches it out, raising a brow at them two of them. Damon's eyes follow her with a nasty expression as she sits down opposite to him, reaching for a blood bag nestled between the glasses. "Is this about New Orleans? How was it, what happened?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'd like to know," Damon sneers, earning a pointed look from Stefan.

"Damon, we agreed to be civil--"

"No, you suggested we be civil, and I told you I wasn't doing that because our baby sister happens to be the biggest hypocrite in the world," Damon snaps, cutting him. He continues staring at Arabella with narrowed, judgmental eyes. "All that bullshit you spewed about me and Elena. Meanwhile, you're off doing this," Arabella almost wants to roll her eyes.

"What are you babbling about?"

"One of Tyler's little hybrid friends was out running in the mountains, peeing on trees. Y'know, dog things," Damon dramatically begins, ignoring Stefan's exasperated sigh. "And he happened to see Klaus," Arabella stiffens at his words, her grip on the bag tightening. Stefan notices. "And guess what? There was a girl there he was getting all chummy with. Curly hair, trench coat, judgy green eyes... sound familiar?"

Arabella is quiet, staring back at Damon with a hard set gaze. She knows he wants a reaction out of her, so she won't give him one.

"Tyler asked us if it was you," Stefan speaks up, breaking their little staring contest. "We told him no. Don't need all of Mystic Falls thinking a Salvatore is dating Klaus Mikaelson."

"I'm not dating Klaus," Arabella mutters, glaring at her older brothers.

"Then what is it you're doing, Ara?"

"I... I don't know."

"Oh, she doesn't know," Damon mocks, scoffing loudly. "I can't believe you. After all your rampages about how 'Elena is coming between this family' and 'We're letting our feelings cloud our judgement'," Damon mimics her in a high pitched voice. "You crap on Elena, but go locking lips with him?"

"You can't even compare the two, it's not like I'm in a love triangle with him!" Arabella shoots back, throwing her hands up. "I'm sorry, Damon, do you also have feelings for Klaus too, or..." She trails off sarcastically.

"So you do have feelings for that psycho?" Arabella falls silent, simply glaring at him. She refuses to deny or confirm. "What is this? Some attempt to act out because--"

"What am I, a neglected teen looking for attention?" Arabella bursts, tossing the blood bag to the side. "You're being ridiculous."

"I'm being ridiculous--?!"

"We're trying to look out for you," Stefan cuts in, attempting to calm down the argument.

"You're completely stupid if really think Klaus won't hurt you," Damon stands up, pointing a finger at his sister.

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