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Arabella is actually in a fairly good mood today. Which was the first time she could confidently say that since... everything. Since the twins.

But she refuses to get lost in her thoughts. This morning, she had woken up bright and early (somehow) and gone out for some breakfast. After a quick little drive into town, she walks back to the Boarding House with a box filled with donuts and some coffees in hand.

She pulls out her keys and unlocks the door, about to step inside only to get... blocked. Arabella frowns, setting down the box and coffees. She places a hand on the doorway entrance, finding an invisible barrier blocking her from her own home.

"What the hell?" She mumbles under her breath, slamming her hand against the barrier. Elena and Bonnie walk by, about to leave for school. She raises a brow at them. "Wanna tell me why I can't step foot into my own house?"

"Oh! Sorry," Elena sheepishly steps forward. "Come in."

Arabella's brows furrow, but steps in anyways. And just like that, she's able to enter again.

"This isn't upsetting at all," She scowls, picking up the donut and coffees and carelessly tossing them on a table, no longer caring for them. "Since when do you own this house?"

"Since we signed it over to her earlier," Stefan walks in, his own bag and jacket in hand. "Elena needs a safehouse to protect her from Klaus."

"So compel her an apartment," Arabella glares at her brother, crossing her arms. "Why didn't you tell me you were giving her the house?"

"Oh, did we forget to tell you?" Damon smiles pleasantly, leaning against the wall. "Oops."

"The house belonged to Zach, and he's dead," Stefan shoots a pointed look at Damon, who shrugs. "So we gave it to Elena. She needs to be protected, and she's safest with us," Arabella side eyes Elena, but says nothing.

"Whatever," She rolls her eyes, shoving past her brothers. "I'll see you at school."

And just like that, her good mood has been turned sour.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Sitting in history class waiting for Alaric to show up, Arabella can't help but glare daggers at the back of Stefan's head. Well, she can help it, but she just chooses not to. She likes to be petty like that.

In her opinion, if they really wanted Elena safe, Damon and Stefan would compel her a new identity and send her across the world, allowing her to forget about the supernatural world all together. Of course, they couldn't dare part with their beloved doppelganger.

"Hello, class. What are we learning today?" Alaric walks in late, rubbing his hands together as he sets his things down.

"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the 60's," A girl near the front pipes up. Arabella was pretty sure her name was Diana, or Dana. Something with a D.

"Right, the 60's," He nods, thinking. "The, uh..." Arabella frowns at his sudden loss of thought, following his gaze to find him staring at Elena. He quickly snaps out of it, continuing on with the lesson. Odd.

Eventually, the class ends, and Arabella packs up her stuff to go on to the next. A certain blonde vampire falls into step beside her.

"Arabella!" She smiles brightly, clutching her binder. "Hi!"

"Hey, Caroline," Arabella smiles. How can one person have this much energy so early? "What's up?"

"The decade dance is tonight," Caroline hands her a flyer, still smiling. "You're coming, right?" Arabella grimaces at the thought, shaking her head.

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