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Elena considers herself a pretty nice person. In fact, she's been told by many that she has a kind and forgiving heart, and she believes them. Which is why, as she sits in the living room, nervously tapping her fingers on the couch armrest, she has to keep herself from snapping at Stefan.

After the four of them moved to the living room, and Damon had poured himself and Arabella a glass of bourbon, the youngest Salvatore shot into investigator mode. She questioned Elena thoroughly, asking about who she was, and why she even looked like Katherine Pierce in the first place. At the end of it, Elena couldn't tell what she thought of Arabella. Mostly because she knew nothing about her.

Yet, all she felt in this moment was annoyance towards Stefan. Plus slight anger, for not telling her he had a sister. Though the Doppelganger may not know much about Arabella, she can tell both of the brothers seem comfortable around her. She's not a threat, and Stefan even seems happier around her. So why keep her a secret?

"What... what are you?" Elena's voice became small near the end of the question, as she immediately regrets asking it. It seems a bit rude, to be honest. Arabella, who had been refilling her bourbon glass, turns around with a confused look. "It's just, you set the stake on fire earlier. But you also have vampire speed and... well, eyes. Ish. I've never heard of any creature like that before."

"Did my brother not tell you anything about me?" Arabella frowns, raising a brow at Stefan, who shifts uncomfortably beside his girlfriend. When she shakes her head, Arabella sighs and sets her glass down, leaning her elbows against the couch Damon sat in. "Well, for starters, I'm a vampire, like these two," She nods to her brothers as her fingers come to rest on her talisman. "But I was born a witch, who used Ancestral Magic. Lost my powers when I was seventeen after my ancestors and entire line were... wiped out."

Arabella has a far away look in her eyes as she speaks, reminiscing in her past. She snaps out of it, standing straight and holding the talisman between two fingers.

"This talisman has been around for centuries. I'll save you all the boring details, and skip to the part where it has magic within it. Whatever host the amulet has granted its powers to has the ability to practice witchcraft, no matter their species. That's why I can still practice witchcraft as a vampire."

"Only one in the world," Damon adds, slapping his sister's arm lightly. "You haven't even told her the best part yet. Tell her about your cool superhero name."

Arabella shoves her brother's hand away, quite done with his daily teasings. "I'm the Sorceress. Derived years ago when a native tribe first created the Sorcerer's Talisman. It's cheesy, I know, which is why I don't go by it often," Arabella gives a pointed look to her brother. She looks back at Elena with a small smirk. "I'm also the much smarter sibling. Unlike these two, I like to spend my eternity doing something productive."

"Bella's earned twenty-seven degrees, fourteen masters, and ten PhDs since she got turned," Stefan explains, a small but proud smile residing on his lips. "She was always the smartest out of us."

"Yet still useless," Damon's lips curl up into a smirk, which is quickly washed away as Arabella slowly begins to boil his blood, her eyes glowing their luminescent violet. "Hey! Quit it," He grunts as sweat droplets begin to form on his skin.

"Right after you quit being a massive dick."

"Why did you leave Mystic Falls?" Elena quickly changes the subject, knowing all too well that when siblings begin to fight, it can last hours if they aren't occupied by something else. And frankly, she really wants answers. At least until she decides to be angry with Stefan.

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