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Damon crosses his arms over his chest, sighing as he stares at the maps and notes stuck on his closet doors. It's been almost three months since Stefan left with Klaus. An entire summer. And not once has Damon stopped looking for him, despite what he's told Elena.

This is his fault. Stefan wouldn't have fallen back into his old Ripper ways if Damon hadn't needed that blood. Of course, he couldn't help getting bit, but he still feels responsible. Not to mention, doing this alone has been a pain in his ass.

"Hey, asshead, you ever heard of laundry?" Damon's thoughtful face turns sour as a stray shirt is chucked at his head. He throws it to the ground, turning to face Arabella, who stands at his door with crossed arms.

"Stefan normally did it."

"Okay? And?" She raises a brow. "You're almost 170 years old, are you seriously telling me you don't know how to do laundry?"

"I have more important things to focus on," He grumbles, turning back to his closet. Louder, he adds, "This would all be quicker if you helped."

"No," Damon turns around again, frowning. Arabella avoids his gaze.

"You know, he did what he did for family."

"I know," Arabella nods. "Which is why, fifty years from now, when he's good ol' Stef again, I'll welcome him home with open arms. No grudges held. You should be thanking me, I'd technically be breaking the promise I made him two decades ago."

"Seriously, Bella?" He shuts the closet doors. "I've kept from asking you for help mostly out of respect, which is a very rare thing for me to do. But a witch would be very helpful in finding our very deranged brother who is currently running around with a very dangerous man."

"Exactly," Arabella shakes her head, wrapping her arms protectively around herself. "He's a Ripper, Dame. I'm not messing with him right now."

"I just need help finding him--"

"No, Damon!" Arabella snaps, clenching her jaw tightly. "I won't. I can't, and you know this better than anyone," She doesn't wait for him to respond, turning and leaving the room. Damon lets out a heavy breath, leaning against the wall.

He knew what her answer would be, but he figured it was worth trying, still. Guess not.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Move, move, move!" Arabella shoves roughly past the drunken teenagers, glowering as she does. Not a very big secret: she hates high school parties. What she hates more is a high school party going on in her house without her knowledge. Of course Damon pulls something like this.

"Damon!" Arabella storms up to him and Alaric, who are both drinking on the balcony. "What the hell is this?"

"You're screwed," Alaric snickers into his drink. Damon shrugs innocently.

"I told you earlier Caroline was throwing Elena a birthday party."

"No, you said, and I quote, 'Vampire Barbie is throwing a small get together for Elena's birthday '," She holds up finger quotes as she speaks. "Not a huge party with the entire school!"

"I agree, it is a bit excessive," Alaric chimes in.

"Thank you!" Arabella motions towards him, still glaring at Damon.

"C'mon, it's a party," He shrugs casually. "You're a teenager. Enjoy it."

"You're an ass," Arabella shoots him a dirty look, whipping around and going back into the house. She needs to make sure no one went near her bedroom.

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