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"I can't imagine being in a house with the Salvatore brothers can be very enjoyable," Arabella gazes up from her book, watching Elijah study the elixir in his hands.

After the explanation last night, to say the Salvatore siblings were shocked was an understatement. None of them had ever expected Elijah and Klaus to be related, let alone for the curse to be fake. The actual curse, however, almost seemed more dangerous.

This morning, Elijah had come over with his loophole for Elena, and they had discussed a plan. Arabella was surprisingly fine with it. Bonnie would kill Klaus, and Elena wouldn't die. Worst case scenario, they die and take down Klaus with them. Not her problem, though. As long as Klaus was dead, she was happy.

Alaric had showed up earlier as well, his normal, Klaus free self again. Everyone else had gone to different parts of the house, leaving Arabella alone with the Original.

"I should be saying the same to you," Arabella snorts, looking back down. "You grew up with Klaus," Elijah chuckles lightly.

"Despite what you may think, Klaus was not always like this," He sighs, his dark eyes drifting up to the window. "Once upon a time, he was a good brother," Arabella frowns, closing her book.

"What happened?"

"What always happens, I suppose," Elijah shrugs. "Betrayal," She nods in understanding.

"I get that more than you would know," She shakes her head, standing up.

"Damon, no!" Elijah and Arabella exchange a look at Elena's voice echoing from upstairs.

"You should probably go inspect that," Elijah advises, raising a brow. Arabella sighs, nodding, before speeding off to find her brother.

Her eyes widen in shock as she sees Damon shove a wooden stake into Stefan's abdomen, Elena crying out. She runs over to her boyfriend and pushes him away, blood covering her mouth. Arabella can take a guess as to what happened. Damon had fed her his blood.

"What is the matter with you?" Arabella hisses, shoving Damon roughly. "She won't ever forgive you for this. Stefan will never forgive you for this."

"Better them both be angry with me than Elena dead," He glares. Arabella shoves him once more, pointing at the door.

"Take a walk, Damon. Get the hell out."

Arabella rushes over to Stefan, looking up at Elena. "He needs human blood. Go get blood bags in the basement. Now!" Still crying, Elena stumbles up and rushes to go complete the task. Arabella snatches a pillow and props it under Stefan's head, pushing his hair out of his face. "This is going to hurt, Stef."

"Just do it," He grunts, squeezing his eyes shut. She nods, wrapping her fingers around the stake and yanking it out. Stefan's body spasms from the sudden jolt of pain, a cry escaping his lips.

"Aw, c'mon, don't be a baby," Arabella teases, smirking. He rolls his eyes at her, panting heavily.

"Lemme shove this into your stomach, see how you like it," She laughs, shaking her head. Jenna and Alaric run into the room, both shocked at the sight.

"What happened?" Jenna's mouth gapes open.

"Damon," Arabella glances at Alaric. "You mind getting him out of the house? I'll meet up with you after I take care of this," Alaric nods, gently touching Jenna's arm and leaving. Arabella sighs, staring back down at her brother.

This is going to be a long day.

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