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Arabella considers herself an intelligent person. She always has been. Even as a child, when a man's education was put before a woman's, Arabella still pushed to expand her learning. Her grandmother taught her that.

Not to mention, compared to the other Salvatore's, she knows for a fact her IQ is much higher than either of them.

However, in this exact moment, she begins to doubt that little fact.

As Arabella wakes up this morning, the first thing she notices is the throbbing pain in her head. As a vampire, hangovers are mostly nonexistent, unless you've decided to drink a truckload of alcohol like she had.

The next thing she notices is the steady breathing beside her. For a moment-- a beautiful, blissful moment-- Arabella had almost forgotten where she was and who she was with. Then she opens her eyes.

Klaus remains asleep, his eyes peacefully closed with an arm propped under his pillow and his body turned towards her. Arabella scrunches up her nose. He would almost look cute if she weren't about ninety percent sure he was dreaming about world domination and death.

As she slowly and carefully scoots to the edge of the bed, the young vampire curses herself. She remembers a few moments from last night, including passing out in exhaustion, instead of making the smart decision and leaving immediately. And of course Klaus didn't think to kick her out.

Arabella gently pries the blanket off her bare body and scrambles to snatch her undergarments off the floor where they had been thrown, quickly slipping them on and searching for her dress. She sits on the edge of the bed, squinting as she scans the room. Now where did she put it...?

"Leaving so soon?" Arabella jumps at the voice, almost falling off the mattress. Klaus watches her with an amused, lazy smirk, now sitting up.

"Yes," Arabella mutters. "Right after I find my dress..."

"I think you threw it somewhere over there," Klaus points to the foot of the bed, his smirk widening. Arabella glares at him, but goes to grab it nonetheless. "You're in a hurry."

"I... am not doing this right now," She laughs grimly, snatching her gown off the floor. "I'm not kidding, Klaus. No one knows about this, do you understand me?"

"Are you giving me an order?"

"Yes!" Arabella hisses, glaring at him. Klaus chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I said something funny."

"Oh, just the little fact that you think I would want to go parade this around," He shrugs, only earning another hateful look from Arabella. Suddenly, his smile disappears as he straightens up. "Get in the bed."

"Excuse me? Are you out of your mind--" Klaus speeds out from under the covers, changing into a pair of pants in the process.

"Unless you want my brother to see you, I suggest you take my advice, love," Arabella's eyes widen in realization at the approaching footsteps.

Listening to the hybrid, she kicks her dress under his bed and speeds under the blanket, hiding her face. Klaus pulls a t-shirt over his head and speeds to the door before it can open.

"Brother! What do I owe the pleasure of this morning visit?"

"Niklaus-- do you have a woman in here?" Elijah frowns at the doorway, attempting to see over his shoulder. "That is still alive?"

"Mother said no killing," Klaus shrugs, blocking his view. "What is it you want?"

"Our mother requests our presence downstairs in thirty minutes," Elijah explains. "Get rid of your overnight guest and get down," Klaus nods wordlessly, shutting the door before he can say anymore.

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