Book 2

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Hello everyone! Athena here.

As you can see above, that is the cover I've created for the time being (it's messy and not the best, I know, but I'll fix it later on). The title of the book is the same as this one, only it's the second because I haven't yet found a title I like, but that's fine. I'll change it later on most likely.

Anywho, Book 2 is up! Just came to let everyone know, so you can go ahead and migrate over there to continue Arabella and Klaus' story. I can't give away any spoilers, but I can tell you that this book is going to be an emotional roller coaster... apologies in advance :D


"To me, you didn't do the things you did because you were some irredeemable beast... you did them because you're broken. And everything broken can be fixed."

When Klaus Mikaelson makes an offer for Arabella Salvatore to join him in New Orleans, she accepts, never expecting for events to unfold quite the way they do. Trapped in the chaotic Mikaelson family drama, while also trying to take back a city she was exiled from, how will Arabella find a way to get over the feelings she has developed for Klaus? And more importantly, does she even want to?

This book takes place at the very beginning of season 1 of The Originals. Hope you guys like it! Thanks again for supporting my stories and I'm really glad y'all have been enjoying the plot<3

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