T H I R T Y - F I V E

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Last chapter! A fairly short(ish) one, just to wrap it up before book 2 :)

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Stefan?" Arabella manages to catch her brother just as he's loading up his car with Silas' dead body. "I saw you trying to sneak out," She's changed into a pair of jeans and a long sleeved top, tucking her hands into the back pockets and walking up to her brother.

    "Yeah," Stefan laughs awkwardly, patting the trunk of his car.

    "I'll go wait in the car," Lexi, who stands off to the side, gives a small nod to the siblings and leaves to the passenger seat.

    "I was going to drop Silas' body in the quarry," Stefan explains, leaning his shoulder against the van. "And then who knows?" Arabella's walking slows, her brows etching together.

    "You're leaving?"

    "I, uh... I can't stay here. Watching Damon and Elena be happy together... I think I'll go insane," Stefan shakes his head with tightly pressed lips. Arabella nods understandably.

    "When are you coming back?" Stefan gives her a knowing look, her heart falling slightly. " ... Right. You're not."

    "Come with me," Stefan stands straight as Arabella stops in front of him. The corner of his lip crooks up. "It could be fun, y'know. Ever been to Portland?"

    "That sounds... oddly refreshing," Arabella laughs, looking up at the starry sky. "But I- I can't--"

    "Why not? What's keeping you here?" Stefan raises a brow. "Getting to see Damon have a relationship for an entire summer? Going to college for the millionth time?"

"Exactly!" Arabella holds her hands out, nodding. "And I want to keep that in mind... when I tell you what I'm about to tell you," She shifts nervously, playing with the sleeves of her shirt. "I'm going to say yes to Klaus' offer."

    "Seriously?" Stefan clenches his jaw, keeping his anger at bay. "After everything he did--"

"It's not about him," Arabella shakes her head. "It's about me. I need to take Marcel down, I can't just let him get away with this. Look, why don't you come with me," She offers, tapping his arm eagerly. "You could help me with this. Do something other than just wander around the country."

"I would," Stefan nods, frowning at his sister. "If you were telling the truth about your real reason. You're not doing this for some revenge scheme, you're doing this because, despite how stupid it is, you still have feelings for Klaus."

    "Stef, stop," Arabella stands straight, giving him a dull expression. "I am telling you--"

    "I don't believe you," He cuts her off, glaring. "Maybe Klaus won't kill you, but I'm sure he has a cozy little coffin and dagger waiting with your name on it. You know what? I've tried to warn you about a million times," Stefan shakes his head, laughing humorlessly. "Go ahead. Go to New Orleans, and get yourself killed. See if I care. But hear this, little sister," He jabs a finger in her shoulder, gaze darkening. "Don't come crying for help when your little boyfriend lets you down."

    Arabella slaps his hand away, glowering at her brother. "I was hoping you would understand."

    "I don't understand stupidity."

Stefan feels a small pang of guilt hit him as he says those words. Perhaps he's being a bit harsh, but he's tried to be nice with Arabella, and she won't listen. Going with Klaus to NOLA... it's dangerous, reckless, and above all, idiotic. He thought she was smarter than this.

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