T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"And today, at Mystic Falls High School, the community gathers to mourn and honor the loss of Mayor Carol Lockwood," Arabella frowns at the small TV in her greenhouse, which had been serving as background noise as she practiced some spells. The news anchor continues on about the memory of the mayor, adding an unnecessary bit about how Tyler has officially been orphaned after this death.

Arabella sighs, shutting the TV off with a flick of her fingers. She's been avoiding the Klaus subject for the past few days, along with anyone who wasn't Stefan. Not that anyone outside her brothers (and probably Elena) knew of her complicated relationship with the Original, but she didn't want to risk anything.

A sudden crash comes from just outside the greenhouse, catching her attention. With a frown, Arabella dusts her hands off on her jeans and speeds outside, narrowing her eyes at the empty garden and grassy field.

"Lovely day for gardening, wouldn't you say?" She whips around at the voice, eyes widening as Kol stands there, smirking and stalking towards her.

"Kol?" Arabella backs away, readying herself for any use of magic. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, I see the violet in your eyes," Kol wags a finger disapprovingly. "If you want your brother to live, I wouldn't," The magic dies away as her face hardens.

"What did you do?"

"All in due time, darling," His smirk widens, and in an instance, he's sped up to her and snapped her neck.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Arabella takes in a gasp of air, sitting up with a jolt. Her heart throbs as it begins to beat again, and her neck is sore from being snapped. She's really starting to get tired of people doing that.

Immediately, her hand flies up to her neck, a string of curses leaving her lips when she finds it bare of the Talisman. She's also getting tired of people doing that.

Arabella slowly stands up, frowning. Kol placed her in what looks like a custodial closet at... the highschool?

Suddenly, the door swings open, Kol and Rebekah shoving in a lanky man with dark curls and wide, curious eyes.

"Ah, she's awake!" Kol smirks. The man-- human-- continues to stare at the Mikaelson siblings. Though, he seems to be more in a state of wonderment than fear.

"Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson," He breathes, staring between them. "Two members of the Original vampire family. What a trip."

"Arabella, Shane. Shane, Arabella," Rebekah introduces them with a pleasant smile. Arabella simply glares at them.

"The professor teaching Bonnie dark magic," She sneers at Shane, before turning her gaze to Kol. "Where the hell is my Talisman?"

"Oh, this little thing?" Kol pulls it out of his pocket, dangling the purple amulet in the air. Shane's eyes widen like saucers.

"Holy cow, you're the Sorceress?" He turns towards Arabella in shock. "Does that mean you're a Bedaux? I thought your line of witches were wiped out! A vampire with mag--"

"Shut it, nerd," Rebekah rolls her eyes, holding a hand up. Arabella speeds forward to grab her necklace, but Kol is quicker and dangles it out of reach with a humorous smile.

"Give it back."

"I spent so many years looking for this," He remarks, admiring the Talisman. "Longer than you've been alive. Now why would I hand it over just as I got my hands on it?"

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