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"Are you sure you don't want to help?" Stefan scowls as Rebekah tosses her bag on his lap, not gazing up from her own phone. "We could use it. I'm sure you can compel yourself a private plane out here," Her wipes off the droplets of ocean water spraying on his face as the boat rocks steadily. The phone line produces a bit of static, on the verge of cutting out.

    Meanwhile, Arabella has her phone propped up on the dresser with the speaker on, changing out of her pajamas as she speaks with Stefan.

    "First of all, I'm still pissed at you for not telling me about the plan to kill Kol," Arabella grunts as she buttons up her jeans. "Second of all, I told you. I could care less about the Cure. If you need anything, call me, or have Bonnie send me a message."

    "Fine. Are you sure you want to babysit Klaus, though?"

    "A certain dead Original has a necklace with my name on it," Arabella pulls a fitted black tee over her head, tucking it into her jeans. "I'll be fine. Good luck with the Cure, and try not to get into too many fights with Damon."

    "I'll try," Stefan glares at the boat a few feet away, where Damon and Elena reside. "Stay safe."

    "You too," Arabella walks forward and hangs up the phone, sighing. She has a strong feeling-- no, she knows something will go wrong on that island. Something always does.

    After grabbing some sneakers, a checkered trench coat, and her keys, Arabella finally leaves the house and loads into her car. She's not exactly thrilled about the idea of seeing Klaus at the moment. The thought of how angry he will be isn't all too pleasant.

    So, she doesn't. Instead, the vampire makes a quick detour to the Grill, deciding to have a few drinks first. Klaus and Kol can wait.

    The sun begins to set by the time Arabella finally leaves the bar, and drives to the Gilbert Residence. She frowns at Caroline's car parked in the driveway, but decides to pay it no attention. Herself, the blonde vampire and Tyler had all stayed behind, so they must be here. Having to be in the same room as both Tyler and Klaus just sours her mood even more.

    "Come home," Caroline's voice comes from the kitchen, so Arabella takes the back door and quietly walks inside. "Don't stoop to his level."

    "He destroyed my life," Tyler's voice follows. "I plan on being present every second of his misery until I can kill him myself."

    "That's not depressing at all," Arabella makes her presence known, scrunching up her nose in disgust. The entire house stinks of burning flesh. She inspects everyone, hiding the slight hurt she feels at the hateful look Klaus sends her way.

Of course Arabella expected him to be angry. It's no secret that Klaus isn't exactly a patient person, and considering his youngest brother just died and he's stuck in a boundary spell, he's probably on the verge of bursting into a fit of rage. Having spent time with the hybrid while he was spelled into a house, Arabella full and well knows how dangerous he can get. Not that she's scared, especially being on the other side of the spell this time. However, it's not fear she feels, but rather... guilt.

    "What, came to protect your boyfriend?" Tyler sneers, standing straight. He makes a move to come closer, but Caroline stops him with a hand on his chest. Arabella glares back.

    "Down, doggy," She taunts. "Came to make sure you don't do something stupid. And get something of mine back."

    "God, why do you two always have to argue?" Caroline rolls her eyes. Tyler and Arabella stare each other down, before the older of the two finally breaks it. She's not in the mood to start an argument anyways, seeing as she really only came here for one reason, and it's far less petty than Tyler's.

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