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"Ara?" Stefan peeks his head around the flower beds, curiously watching his sister. She sits cross legged atop her table, reading a levitating book. In one hand she holds burning sage, and in another, a half eaten apple.

"Hey," She greets, looking up and allowing the book to fall to the table with a thud. "Just doing some cleansing. What's up?" Stefan awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, walking towards her.

"I, uh... I've been avoiding this for a while now, but I think we need to talk about it," He sighs. "I remember Chicago, Arabella. 1922," She watches him closely as he speaks. "I had my humanity off when Klaus compelled me to remember, so I didn't care enough to talk to you about it. And then I consumed myself with revenge, and then... I don't know. I hated the idea of talking about this."

"I always assumed you just didn't want to bring it up," Arabella admits, jumping down from the table and biting into her apple. Stefan's brows furrow.

"Arabella. You tried to kill me."

"I know, I was there," She replies bluntly, closing her book and crumbling up the burnt sage into a tray. She walks over to a flower bed and sprinkles the ashes upon it, offering it back into the Earth.

"I knew you were angry, but..." Stefan shakes his head. "I'm your brother. And you tried to kill me."

"Repeating it doesn't change the facts, Stef," Arabella informs bitterly. "Your tone implies you're angry."

"That you tried to stake me? Yeah, maybe a little."

"How do you think Desmond felt?" She snaps, whipping around. "When you drove that stake through his heart? His own brother-in-law. His family!" Her voice rises as she speaks. "Stefan, you killed someone I loved! And you kept killing, and killing... there was no end! I was trying to do what was best."

"I'm your brother," Stefan mutters, shaking his head. "I know I have no right to be angry, but--"

"You're right, you have no right," Arabella points a finger at him accusingly. "I have sat back, day by day, watching as you got to be happy! Everyone here knows you as the noble, good brother. And I have had to sit back, and let them, while you were the one who stole my happiness! I know you weren't in control, okay, I know that. But it doesn't change the fact that you took Des away from me. My husband."

Stefan watches her with sad eyes, a sudden realization hitting him. "You lied," He whispers, his eyes glassly. "You never forgave me, did you?" Arabella opens and closes her mouth, not quite sure what to say.

"Would you?" She finally asks, tears building up in her green eyes, and one trailing down her cheek. "If I killed Elena... would you forgive me? If I took a knife and dug it through her heart, and you got to watch as the life slowly vanished from the woman you loved... would you forgive me?" Stefan looks down, knowing the truth held in her words.

"I tried to make myself better," He reminds her quietly. "I will never regret anything more than what I did to Desmond."

"I know," Arabella harshly wipes the tears from her face, laughing sadly. "A part of me did forgive you. The same part of me that was grateful that Rebekah was there that night. But... another part of me, a really dark part of me? It wishes I had pushed that stake through your heart and saved innocent bloodshed."

Stefan stares at her in shock, speechless. Perhaps he deserves that, but it doesn't change how badly it hurts to hear it. Wordlessly, he turns and leaves.

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