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Arabella's long lashes flutter open after a wave of magic travels through her fingertip, her eyes returning to normal from the spell. She sighs, staring up at the tall, towering white greenhouse, one of her hands resting gently against the painted wood. The greenhouse is located near the back of the Boarding House's yard, stretching out on each side with a dome shaped roof in the middle. It's filled to the brim with an assortment of plants, mixtures, and materials all for her use, with long vines twisting through up and across the interior and exterior. It's Arabella's pride and joy, which she had compelled a few workers to build back in the 60's.

Though able to channel power from the amulet, Arabella found a certain beauty and serenity in practicing natural witchcraft. The kind of witchcraft anybody could practice-- whether they be a human, witch, vampire... it didn't matter. The simple mixing of herbs, and sometimes maybe even enchanting it with a spell and storing it away for later use... she enjoys it very much. It helps her focus her mind. Not to mention, it was handy to have any herb she needed at store only a few feet away from her home.

The vampire steps inside, breathing in the freshness of the dirt and the variety of herbs and plants growing around her. She smiles, running her hands through an assortment of healthy flowers, the plants almost reaching out to her touch.

Excited to be back in her natural habitat, Arabella rushes towards the large table set in the very middle of the greenhouse, setting her Grimoire down on it and flipping it open. A simple cleansing spell should do the trick to wash away any bad energy that her brothers have been building up on the property. Some sage with a bit of chanting should do the trick perfectly.

"Woah," Arabella's ears perk up at the voice, immediately recognizing it to be Elena's. She sighs, shutting her book closed.

"Elena?" The brunette girl comes into a view a minute later, her eyes wide as she stares up at the sky through the glass dome overhead.

"I've gone walking in the backyard a million times," She shakes her head in disbelief. "I don't know how I never realized this was here."

"I do," Arabella shrugs, leaning against her table. "I have a spell placed on the greenhouse so only the Talisman magic can reveal it. The protection and self maintaining spells keep it safe and alive. Can't exactly trust Thing 1 and Thing 2 to keep it safe."

The both laugh lightly at this, Elena settling down into one of the metal chairs. Arabella watches her with curious eyes, noticing how beaten and tired the girl looks.

"Rough week?'

"Rough life," Elena sighs, shaking her head. Arabella's mouth opens in a small O shape, and she holds a finger up to Elena. Turning, she walks over to the wooden cabinets, and pulls out a crystal container, setting it in front of the human girl. "What is it? Some kind of potion?"

Arabella laughs, shaking her head. "Nah. It's bourbon," Elena hides an embarrassed smile. "You look like you could use it."

The two sit in silence for a few moments, sharing the bottle of alcohol while Elena watches the witch flip through her Grimoire.

"You shouldn't be mad at him," Arabella doesn't look up from her book as she speaks. "Damon and Stefan have always been protective of me-- even before we found out we were related. In Stef's weird little mind, he thought he was protecting me," Elena sighs, nodding, but saying nothing, Frankly, she isn't too sure she wants to talk about Stefan right now. Instead, she decides to change the subject and ask a question she's been thinking.

"How... did that happen? All of you becoming vampires and finding out you're related?" A small, sad sigh escapes Arabella's lips. She isn't so sure she wants to spill her life story at the moment, seeing how tragic it truly is. Most people she's told cannot even begin to fathom that kind of loss. Not even her own brothers fully understand.

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