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"I think we may have just found a family more dysfunctional than ours, brother," Damon sighs as he and Stefan walk into the Salvatore Boarding House that night. Stefan snorts, nodding wordlessly.

"I need a drink," He mutters. "I'm never letting you drag me to a dinner party with those two again."

"Ah, c'mon. It was a little fun to see the look on Klaus' face when all his siblings popped out of nowhere," Damon smirks as he remembers the events from earlier that evening.

"So I'm assuming the rest of the Originals are awake?" Both brothers halt in their tracks at the library entrance, brows raised as they watch their sister sip a glass of bourbon. Arabella lays casually on the couch, head against the armrest and feet propped up on the back cushions.

"I thought you left for good," Damon's lips slant down distastefully. "I was actually really looking forward to a century away from your annoying ass."

"Not the response I was expecting."

"Were you waiting on an apology? Cause you'll be waiting here awhile, Bella."

"Why are you here?" Stefan interrupts them, frowning. Arabella sits up, raising a brow at him.

"Your girlfriend called me after you tried to kill her," She explains, taking a sip of her drink. "Who do you think drove her home?"

"I didn't try to kill Ele--"

"Nooo, Stef, you just threatened her life on the very bridge her parents died on to try and get revenge on the man who murdered her aunt," Arabella scoffs, rolling her eyes. "So much better."

"As much as I love a good Stefan bashing," Damon narrows his eyes at his sister. "You can go ahead and leave now. We don't need you here."

"Actually, you do," Arabella points a finger at the two of them. "Every time I leave, hell breaks loose."

"No it doesn't," Stefan retorts. "We did just fine for two decades without you."

"You're proving my point," Arabella downs the rest of her drink. "Damon here went on a no humanity run, and you, Saint Stef, were very close to having a rabbit and squirrel revolt on your hands."

"Forgot how funny you were," Stefan replies dryly. Arabella smirks, but it slowly fades as she gets up and walks up to the two of them.

"By the way, Elena knows," Damon and Stefan quiet down at her words, letting them sink in.

"I thought you never wanted to bring up Desmond again?" Damon crosses his arms. Arabella mimics his stance.

"Yeah, well, you kinda already broke that rule, didn't you Dame?" She snaps, glaring at him. "Night, brothers."

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    Arabella unpacks her things for the second time this year in her bedroom. Luckily, this time, she hadn't taken as many possessions with her, so the unpacking process is quite easy. Stefan and Damon had both left for Elena's, which left her alone in the home.

    "I wonder if I should do a cleansing?" Arabella murmurs to herself, grimacing at the thought of how many shady one nighters Damon has probably had in this house. Deciding for it, she goes to get some sage when the doorbell rings.

    She speeds downstairs, listening closely for a heartbeat. When nothing but silence is picked up, Arabella determines someone has left a package. Odd. She didn't really take her brothers for the online shopping type.

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