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Despite everything that was still going on in Mystic Falls, Arabella had woken up this morning and decided she needed to take a step away. Just to collect her thoughts. She may have only spent a few days so far there, but she was already sick of it.

Mystic Falls may be her home, but God does she hate it there.

So, Arabella decided to drive out and get some materials. There was a witch about an hour away from Mystic Falls who was selling some herbs and spelled, ancient bones that she was dying to get her hands on, so that's what she decided to do with her morning. Bright and early she woke up and drove there, paying for what she needed and trying not to draw too much attention.

Generally, witches weren't too fond of her type of species. A vampire who could practice magic. It was unheard of, as far as she knew.

The drive back is peaceful, Arabella's music playing softly as the wind blows through her curls, which is high up in a ponytail. She's rather enjoying the ride until an unknown caller interrupts it. She presses the green answer button and speaker, waiting for the caller to speak.


"Bonnie? How'd you get my number?" Arabella asks curiously. The witch on the end sighs in relief.

"Damon gave it to me. Hey, listen, I'm with Damon and Jeremy, and I could really use your help."

"My brother got you into trouble, didn't he?"

"Did not!" Damon's voice comes in faintly from the background. Arabella rolls her eyes.

"Actually, for once, he didn't," Bonnie agrees with him. "You told me the other day you could help me with my magic. Well... I want to harness the power left behind of the witches that were killed during the Salem Witch trials."

"What?" Arabella snaps, taking her phone off speaker and pressing it against her ear. "Don't tell me this was Damon's plan."

"It wasn't!" Damon's voice come in again.

"It wasn't," Bonnie repeats. "Actually, it was Luka's. Not his plan, but he mentioned the spell to me."

"The Martin witch I accidentally killed?" Arabella scoffs. "We're taking his advice?"

"I need power to defeat Klaus--"

"And who said we're pinning a teenage Bennett witch to kill an immortal Original vampire?"

"For the record, I think it's a good idea," Damon pipes up. Arabella rolls her eyes.

"Of course you do, pea brain. If anyone should be using a crazy amount of power to kill an Original, it should be me. I can handle it."

"Which is why I need your help," Bonnie explains. "I don't think we should take any chances. I need your help to harness the power, so I can help you take down Klaus."

Arabella is silent for a moment, thinking it over. She doesn't know very much about Klaus, but she knows he's an Original. And they happen to be rather hard to take down. She could use any help offered, and considering Bonnie already has the help of the Bennett spirits on her side...

"Where are you now?"

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Damn, I just got these boots," Arabella pouts as she walks through the woods with Bonnie, Damon, and Jeremy, who she had just met. She liked him so far, he seemed to keep to himself for the most part.

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