T H I R T Y - T W O

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The last thing Arabella ever expected Klaus to be was a mass texter. And yet, here she was, with what seems like a hundred unread texts on her phone and counting. All stemming from one Nikki.

    "Klaus, I swear to God, you text more than any person I've ever met," Arabella walks into his mansion. "This better be important."

    "Go away," Klaus' voice echoes from a far corner of the room, sounding weak.

    "Go away?" Arabella scoffs, walking forward. "You're lucky I'm even here after the stunt you pulled with Bon-- Oh my God," She stops suddenly, staring down at Klaus. He leans against a piano set, shirtless and slicked with sweat as his paling face contorts in pain. "What happened to you?"

    "I need more time. Stop hounding me!" Klaus screams at her. Arabella flinches slightly at his sudden tone change.

    "Are you seriously yelling at me right now?" She glares, storming up to him. "Caroline is running the prom committee, and I promised I would help her, meaning I am here instead of at school helping. She's already texted me, like, five times since I left," Arabella waves her phone in his face. "She's almost as bad as you."

    "Arabella?" Klaus' face softens as he looks up. "Is that really you?" Arabella raises a brow down at him as he struggles up on the chair, leaning against the piano. "Prove it to me."

    "Why the hell would I--" Her mouth forms an O as realization hits. "Silas got to you, didn't he?" She kneels down by him, frowning. "What did he do to you?"

    "He stabbed me with the white oak stake," Klaus explains painfully, motioning to his back with shaking hands. "There's a- a piece of it stuck inside me."

"So you called me?"

    "Well, seeing as your the only person in this God forsaken town that doesn't completely despise me, yes," Klaus groans slightly, squinting his eyes shut from the pain. Arabella rolls her eyes.

    "And whose fault is that?" She straightens up, crossing her arms. "Why should I help you?"

    "I helped you!" Klaus growls. "Return the favor!"

    "Are you forgetting about that stunt you pulled last night?" She reminds him, narrowing her eyes down at the Original. "Pinning me against the tree to let Bonnie die? Because of you, blood is now on Caroline's hands."

    "Need I remind you that if I die, so does everyone you care about?" Klaus glares up at her. Arabella returns the glare, but after a moment, lets out an exasperated sigh.

    "Fine. But what am I supposed to do? Give you moral support?"

    "You were a surgeon before you came to Mystic Falls," Klaus remembers, shakily sitting up and looking down at a pair of bloody pliers on the floor. "Cut it out of me," Arabella stares at him speechlessly.

    "With rusty pliers?" She finally sputters out, picking up the bloody tool and staring at it in disgust. "Do you know how many infections you can get from this? Your body's already weak from the wood moving to your heart, this is just gonna speed up the process! Not the mention the pain of using this--"

"Do I look like a bloody hospital?!" Klaus barks, breathing heavily. "That's the best you're gonna get."

    "Okay, one: Stop acting like the big, scary hybrid, cause you're looking kinda pathetic right now," Arabella glares at him, getting tired of his rude tone. "And second..." She bunches her hair up on the top of her head and secures it with a hairband. "Get up. This is gonna hurt like a bitch."

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