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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Hello, sister."

Arabella, startled by the voice, jumps and whips around, glaring daggers at her elder brother. Damon leans against the doorway of her room, smirking concedingly.

"What the hell, Damon?" Arabella mutters, turning away from him. The sun was to rise soon, and due to her extremely messed up sleeping schedule, she was beginning to get ready for bed. The last thing she expected was for one of her brothers to pop up at her doorway, scaring her half to death. Again. "What do you want?"

"You settled in quick," Damon remarks, ignoring her question. He wasn't wrong, though. Arabella had already set up her crystals, books, and other things on the bookshelf in the large room, and had placed some spells around the house for protection. The bedroom itself was just a spare, not that she planned on decorating it any further. It fit her expectations well enough.

"So?" She shrugs, grabbing a large orange hoodie and pulling it over her tank top. "It's my house too."

"Never said it wasn't."

"Again, I ask, brother dearest. What do you want?"

"I should be asking you the same question," Damon narrows his eyes at Arabella, straightening up. "Ever since we were kids, I've always been able to tell when you were lying--"

"No you haven't," Arabella snorts. Damon glares at her, continuing.

"I know you're lying, Bella."

"Don't you trust me?"

"Normally, I do," Damon admits. "But right now, you're hiding something. And I intend to find out what, before you bring more problems here, that could get someone I care about hurt."

With that, the eldest Salvatore turns on his heel and leaves the room, leaving Arabella staring at the spot he once occupied.

The truth is, she is hiding something. Perhaps she'll reveal what exactly that is to her brothers soon, but for now, it's her secret to bear.

Though, from Damon's words, Arabella may have just found out a secret of his own.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Dumbass!" After leaving his sister's room, Damon didn't exactly expect her to follow him back to his an hour later and wake him up with a slap to the head. He jolts upright, groggily glaring up at her.

Arabella doesn't give him a chance to respond, as she shoves him over and lies atop the covers beside him on the bed.

"What are you doing?" He snaps, attempting to turn away from her and and fall back into his slumber. "Haven't you ever heard not to disturb one's beauty sleep?"

"Oh, shut up," Arabella rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. She nudges Damon with her elbow. "You are an idiot. The dumbest of the dumb. Probably the most brainless vampire to ever walk this planet. Patrick Star level stupid. An absolute--"

"Okay, I get it!" Damon groans, rolling over and looking up at her. "I'm an idiot. Mind explaining why?"

"Because, you bird brain!" Arabella shoves Damon, her brows furrowing. "You fell in love with another Petrova Doppelganger."

"What are you talking about?" Damon rolls his eyes at his sister, yet Arabella can already hear his heart beat picking up at her newfound discovery. The younger throws her head back and groans in annoyance.

"What you said earlier, Damon. You don't care about anyone getting hurt, but all of a sudden, now you do. You care about Elena," Arabella seems proud with her words, yet also peeved with her brother.

"I care about Elena," Damon confirms, resting his head back and closing his eyes. "I don't love her. She's Stefan's girlfriend."

"You love her," Arabella scoots down so she's also laying flat on her back, shaking her head. "Even though she's Stefan's girl. You love her, because you're stupid as shit."

"You don't know what you're saying," Damon opens one eye at her. "You're here, for what, like five minutes? And you think you know everything."

"I do know everything," Arabella corrects, pointing a finger at him. "Just as I know you love that stupid Doppelganger."

"I don't."

"You do."



"Screw you."

"Screw her. Cause that's what you wanna do," With that, Damon shoves his sister off the bed, Arabella landing on the wooden floor with a loud thump.

"And you're the supposed genius of the family," He grumbles, turning his back on his sister. Arabella scowls up at him, but knows she clearly hit a nerve. Just further proving her point to be right.

She can't help but be pissed off at Damon. How could he be so stupid? Falling for yet another Petrova Doppelganger? When his relationship with the last one went so well? Especially when this girl happens to already be in love with their brother? It makes Arabella almost regret coming home.

Arabella jumps up, shoving Damon in the shoulder once more, but he pays her no attention. "This isn't going to end well, Dames," She tells him, frowning. "I had to watch as Katherine Pierce almost tore you two apart. I'm not letting another girl with her face do the same thing. I won't let that happen."

In a second, Damon has sped out of bed and slammed Arabella into the wall, holding her there by her shoulders.

"Don't hurt Elena," He growls, the anger evident in his eyes. He takes a step back from her. "She doesn't deserve to get hurt because of your irrational fears."

"Do you see this?" Arabella hisses, motioning between the two of them. "She's already coming in between this family! I have nothing against Elena, honest. She's probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. But I will not stand back and watch as history repeats itself, Damon. I just can't."

"History isn't repeating itself," Damon rubs his face, walking away from her. "I promise."

"Then look me in the eye, and honestly tell me you feel nothing for that girl."

Damon turns around, and the look in his icey eyes made Arabella's heart pang a bit.

"I... it doesn't matter what I feel," He looks away. "She's with Stefan. That's all that matters," Arabella's features soften at his words. Damon doesn't exactly have a reputation of being selfless. But as someone who's known him for so long. Arabella knows that he would do just about anything for the people he loves. And he loves Stefan. Which means, if she's right, he would stay away from Elena just to make sure his little brother didn't get hurt.

"Fine," Arabella sighs, leaning back against the wall. "For the record, I still think you're an idiot," A small smirk stretches across Damon's lips.

"Right back at ya, sis."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Author's Note:

Welp, we all know how wrong she is. Poor Stefan.


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