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After the little encounter with Damon, Arabella had decided to leave her brothers be. She knew the more time she spent around them, the more they would want to know what she's hiding. And she didn't feel like being questioned.

So, instead, she resided in her greenhouse, tending to her plants. She needed to think, anyways, and the gentle sounds of nature always helped with that.

Until a certain someone decides to interrupt it.

Arabella's ears perked up at the sound of footsteps, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. They were too light to be Stefan or Damon's, so she would have to assume they belong to Elena. It wasn't that she didn't like Elena's company, since she was mostly indifferent for the time being, it was just that Arabella liked her alone time. And she didn't like being interrupted.

"What do you need, Elena?" She calls out, slipping off the gloves she uses to tend to the vervain plants. Until she feels the certain aura that a witch always carried. A small smile appears on her full lips. "Oh. I'm mistaken. Not Elena."

"Nope," Arabella turns towards the voice, finding Bonnie standing there confidently. Despite her posture, there is a fear in her eyes. "I know what you are. Who you are."

Arabella hums in response. "And who would that be?"

"You're the Sorceress," Bonnie swallows down her nervousness. "The Host of the Sorcerer's Talisman. I read my Grams journals. Your family lineage was thought to be wiped out years ago."

"But here I am," Arabella shrugs. "Defying all the rules. What do you want, Bennett? You here to kill me?"

"I'm here to take that Talisman away from you," Bonnie declares, holding her chin high. "No creature should have that much power. Especially a Bedaux."

"Ah," Arabella claps sarcastically. "You've heard about my family. Which means I'm also sure you know that the Bennett witches are the ones responsible for my entire Ancestral line being wiped out?"

"My ancestors did what had to be done," Bonnie argues, frowning. "The Bedaux's had a history of using dark magic. Of defying nature, especially with that Talisman."

"We depended on our ancestors for magic," Arabella snaps, getting peeved with this girl. "And your family took it away. They sold my family out-- betrayed their own kind. You're beloved ancestors are the reason my entire family died."

"They were practicing dark magic. They would have killed--"

"They would have killed no one!" The anger builds up in Arabella's voice as it raises. "My grandmother and I were the only practicing witches left!"

"It was a risk!" Bonnie shoots back, her brows furrowing. "That Talisman defies all the laws of nature. It makes it so that no one can stop that kind of power. It's unnatural!"

"Look, Bonnie," Arabella laughs humorlessly. "I have been around for a very long time. I'm not going to fight a child. But I advise that you leave before I have to make you."

"I'm not going anywhere without that necklace," Bonnie shakes her head, frowning. "I don't want to hurt you, so let's do this the easy way."

With a simple flick of her wrist, Arabella has Bonnie slammed up against the glass walls of the greenhouse. The witch's eyes widen in shock as she tries to use magic to defend herself, only to find that her powers have vanished.

"Any natural magic has been blocked, in this greenhouse," Arabella explains, tilting her head with a raised brow. "You're not the first Bennett witch who has tried to take my Talisman. You're ancestors are kind of obsessed with me, to be honest, so that feeling you have right now? The one where you're drawn towards my amulet? That's not you, Bonnie."

The Sorceress | Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now