T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Please read the author's note at the end, thanks!

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Elena shifts uncomfortably on the leather couch in the Mikaelson parlor, keeping her gaze on the crackling fire. She studies the paintings, her frown deepening at the thought of someone like Klaus having such a normal, peaceful hobby. Frankly, she'd rather be anywhere else. However, desperate times call for desperate measures.

"A bit ironic, you coming to me for help," Klaus' voice pulls her back into reality, his eyes watching her suspiciously. However, he's clearly taking pleasure in seeing her come to him for assistance. "Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb?"

"This is your fault," Elena shoots back, frowning. "You started this when you forced Jeremy to kill those vampires."

"And now, my little brat of a brother has gone and made things worse," Klaus sighs, shaking his head sadly. "Well, he never did like Damon. I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I?"

Elena opens her mouth to respond, but both of their vampiric hearing perks at the sound of soft footsteps echoing down the halls. Arabella walks through the entrance of the room, hands tucked into her brown trench coat and looking quite indecisive. She halts at the sight of Elena.

"Am I... interrupting something?" She raises a brow, eyes flickering between the two of them. Klaus smiles at her.

"Elena here was just asking for my assistance. Apparently, my little brother has gone off the rails with all this Silas nonsense."

"Who's Silas?"

"A fairytale," Klaus replies, standing up. "Kol is a lunatic."

"Same could be said for you," Arabella shoots back coldly, noticing the way Klaus' shoulders stiffen up at her words. She turns towards Elena. "Who is he going after?"

"Jer and Damon," Elena purses her lips, hoping the older vampire can help out a bit. Arabella frowns at her words, looking at the Original.

"Call your brother off, Klaus. Tell him to lay off mine."

"And mine," Elena adds, also standing. Klaus rolls his eyes, but pulls out his phone to call Kol nonetheless. He had plans to put up more of a fight with Elena, but then... well, Arabella showed up.

As he speaks, Arabella nods for Elena to leave, who is quick to do so. Klaus' mansion gives her the creeps, and she's happy to go.

"You've been avoiding me," Klaus remarks, pouring himself a drink as he sets the phone down. "I expected you sooner."

"You have a phone, two legs, a car..." Arabella trails off, crossing her arms. "You're more than capable of seeking me out yourself."

"Yes, well, I expected you to be angry," Klaus shrugs, grabbing another glass. "Thought you could use the space."

"See, you knew I would be pissed, and you still killed the mayor," Arabella throws a hand up, frowning. Klaus scoffs.

"I cannot take your feelings into account every time I do something, love," He holds up a drink to her, but Arabella stubbornly stays where she is and makes no move to grab it. He gives her a dull look, downing it himself.

"You said you would leave my friends and family alone."

"And I did. I'm quite sure Tyler Lockwood hates you, if we're being honest."

"He's Caroline's boyfriend. You killed her boyfriend's mom," Arabella snaps.

"I told you not to have such high expectations," Klaus shrugs, grabbing the second drink and turning towards her. "Is that why you came? To scold me?"

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