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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Elena let out a sob as she stumbles over to the edge of Wickery Bridge, taking in deep, shaky breath of the chilly night air. She leans over it, crying into the wind, knowing she will remain unheard but not caring a bit.

    Her heart twists in pain as she leans her back against the bridge and slides down, burying her head in her hands. Shakily, Elena pulls out her phone, her thumb hovering over a number. After a deep breath, she steadies her voice and waits for them to pick up.


    "Hey... Where are you? I kind of need a favor."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

    A car comes to a slow stop in front of Elena, the headlights blinding her tear soaked eyes. She holds a hand up to block it out, squinting in the brightness.

    Arabella steps out of the car, raising a brow at the doppelganger as she walks over. "Elena?"

    "Hey," She gives her a small, teary smile. "Thanks for coming."

    "You're lucky I was just a town over," Arabella returns the smile. "Planning my great escape. Are you okay? You don't look too good."

    "Physically? I'm fine," Elena sniffs, turning and walking back to the edge of the bridge. She peers over, staring down at the calm water. "Stefan tried to drive me off the bridge."


    "To threaten Klaus," Elena explains, her lip trembling. "He force fed me his blood and locked me in the car with Klaus on the phone," Arabella sighs, rubbing her face tiredly. She's only been gone for a few days and yet mayhem has already broken out.

    "You know he would never actually hurt you," She softly points out, coming beside the Gilbert girl. "He was just trying to scare Klaus."

    "I know that," Elena nods, letting the cold wind to prick her cheeks. "But still... he could've threatened Klaus in any way. But to try and drive me off this bridge... it's like he's trying to make me hate him."

    "What's so special about this bridge?"

    "It's where my parents died," Elena responds, a faraway look in her eyes. Arabella's face softens.

    "Right. Car accident. I remember Stefan telling me," She leans her elbows against the wall. "I'm sorry. But Elena, let's be honest. You and I aren't exactly best friends," Arabella turns fully towards her. "Why call me?"

    Elena sighs, looking down. "Stefan did something to you. A long time ago. I don't know what it was, but clearly, it was bad enough that you tried to end his life over it," Her brown eyes meet green one's. "You don't have to tell me anything. But I just need to know... how did you forgive him? Because, honestly, Arabella? I don't know if this is something I could ever forgive Stefan for."

    Arabella purses her lips, looking back straight over the waters. She's silent for a few moments, and Elena assumes she just won't answer. Until she finally speaks up again.

    "When I was first turned," She begins, already knowing she'll probably regret telling Elena this. "I had no one. Nothing. I tried to end my life because of the unbearable loneliness I had felt everyday, and then all of sudden, I was facing an eternity of it. I spent a year by myself, miserable. Though I had a daylight ring, I remained inside all the time. I fed only when I absolutely had to, and I never bothered to explore the capabilities of my newfound powers. Until one day, something changed."

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