T W E N T Y - S I X

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New Orleans, 1974

"This is a horrible idea," Noah Dominguez uneasily pushes his wire rimmed glasses up his nose with a finger, staring around the dark, brick walls with wide eyes. Naomi rolls her eyes at her brother, almost tripping over a vampire head sticking out of the ground.

"Stop being a wimp. That Claire warlock said she would be here," Naomi brushes her short, black waves away from her face, squinting in the darkness. "Just try not hit a hungry vampire. Apparently, some of them have been here for decades."

"Wow, makes me feel so much better," Noah mutters under his breath, yelping as a vampire entombed in bricks groans from his left. "D-did I mention this was a bad idea? We're only nineteen, Naomi. I really don't feel like becoming vamp chow at nineteen."

"Have you been taking vervain everyday, like mom would tell us?" Naomi is met with a shaky nod. "Then you'll be fine. We just have to find her, and then we can fix all this."

"How do you know she'll even help us?" Noah asks quietly, pushing back the black locks that spilled over his round, dark eyes. Naomi stops in her tracks, turning to her younger twin.

"I don't," She confidently stands straighter, always the bolder of the two. "But she saved Mom's life, three years ago. And she wanted to help then. I'm just hoping she still does," Noah says nothing, just following after his sister as she continues.

Suddenly, both halt to a stop, staring at the necklace hanging on a wall. A deep purple amulet hangs from a sturdy chain, encrusted protectively in murky silver. Their eyes follow to the opposite wall, where a vampire is held in bricks.

"That's her," Naomi breathes, almost gleefully. She rushes towards the tomb, tilting her head to see better. Surely enough, a weak, desiccating face lays against the bricks, the once caramel skin greying and green eyes dull. "She's the Sorceress."

"Arabella Salvatore," Noah's eyes are wide, remembering her name from his mother's journals, and witches around the Quarter. It would be hard to forget her name, considering the impact she left behind. He snatches the Talisman off the wall and joins his sister.

"Hold this," Naomi shoves her bag into her brother's hand, pulling out a small vial of blood and unscrewing it. Despite the tiny amount, the smell wafts to the other vampires, and they begin groaning and begging, just for a taste. Noah stares at them fearfully, his eyes darting around.

"Naomi, he's going to hear us! You know what he does to witches who break his rules!"

"Shut up, he's not even here," Naomi snaps, gently bringing the vial to Arabella's peeling lips. At first, there is no reaction from the vampire. However, as soon as the blood enters her system, it's as if the life within her is rejuvenated. The greying lines on her skin begin to vanish as she hungrily laps up the blood, licking her lips to savor what little taste is left.

"Who are you?" She croaks. Naomi gives her a small smirk.

"Your saviors. No biggie, or whatever," Noah holds back an eye roll at her dramatics, stepping back as his sister uses a small amount of magic to undo the bricks and free Arabella. She catches her as she falls out, helping her up. Noah steps forward and clasps the Talisman around her neck.

"We'll explain more later. We need to leave before any vampires see us," He explains. Arabella nods, putting her weight on Naomi and allowing the two of them to lead her out.

The Sorceress | Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now