T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Long chapter ahead! Not as long as Chapter 24, but still pretty long (6k+ words). 

Also, I know technically only witches can communicate with other supernatural creatures on The Other Side, but let's just ignore that in this book :D

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Death is a fickle little thing. It chooses its victims at random, though, perhaps its true victims are those left behind. The ones who sit by, day by day, watching the world move on without those they lost. Who never truly live again, simply walking through the world with an aching hole ripping through their heart and soul.

It's how Arabella felt, for so long. How she still feels. And she thought, maybe if she had a chance to see those she lost, to say the proper goodbye she never seems to get... maybe she would be okay.

Yet now, as Arabella stands parallel to her dead husband, she feels anything but okay.

Desmond smiles at her, hands tucked into the pockets of his brown slacks. He's still dressed the same as he had died-- a white button up tucked into pants with checkered suspenders overlapping. He looks the same.

But he's not.

Arabella realizes that quickly. In a second, she's used her speed to bend down and grasp one of the pieces of scotch soaked glass, holding it up protectively while also stretching a hand out. Her eyes glow violet as she prepares herself for a fight.

"You son of a bitch," She spits, backing into the counter. "Taking the body of my dead husband? You can't fool me, Silas."

"Ye think I'm that lunatic?" Desmond chuckles, holding his hands up. "Well, ye're a lot more paranoid than I recall," Arabella says nothing, refusing to believe this is really him. "Yer little Bennett friend took down the veil to the Other Side, Ari. Somethin' bout an Expression Triangle... I don't know? But, I'm really here," He shrugs humorously. "Ish."

"N- no," Arabella shakes her head, refusing. She won't let Silas trick her. "You didn't die in Mystic Falls, how--"

"Ye didn't have to die to be here. Some of us have just been stickin' around, keepin' an eye on wives who have a bloody hard time movin' on," He adds with an amused smile. The magic dies from Arabella's eyes as she sets down the glass, slowly moving forward.

"Is it really you?" She whispers, the tear trailing down her cheek.

"It's really me," Those words are enough for her. In an instance, she's sped across the kitchen, closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms tightly around Desmond's neck.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," Arabella cries quietly into his shoulder, holding on tightly, as if he may slip from her grasp any minute now. Desmond chuckles into her hair.

"I think I might have a bit of an idea," He pulls back, smiling as Arabella cups his face with both hands, laughing tearfully. "Now," He grabs her hands and holds them, raising a brow. "We need to talk about Niklaus Mikaelson."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Okay, so according to Stefan, Bonnie temporarily took down the veil, but it should've been back up by now," Arabella walks into her bedroom, raising a brow as Desmond sits on the floor, playing around with some crystals. "Meaning something probably went wrong, but by the sound of his voice, I don't think he cares. Lexi is back, so--"

"Alexia!" Desmond grins up at her. "What a character. Didn't know her all too well as a vampire, but on the Other Side, she's a hoot."

"You... saw her on the Other Side?"

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