Cast and Notes

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☆Featured Cast☆

G r a c e  P h i p p s  a s
A z a l e a  R o s s

L o u i s  G a r r e l  a sS e v e r u s  S n a p e

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L o u i s  G a r r e l  a s
S e v e r u s  S n a p e

A n d r e w  G a r f i e l d  a sR e m u s  L u p i n

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A n d r e w  G a r f i e l d  a s
R e m u s  L u p i n

A n d r e w  G a r f i e l d  a sR e m u s  L u p i n

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B e n  B a r n e s  a s
S i r i u s  B l a c k

A a r o n  J o h n s o n  a sJ a m e s  P o t t e r

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A a r o n  J o h n s o n  a s
J a m e s  P o t t e r

J a m i e  B e l l  a sP e t e r  P e t t i g r e w

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J a m i e  B e l l  a s
P e t e r  P e t t i g r e w

J a m i e  B e l l  a sP e t e r  P e t t i g r e w

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K a r e n  G i l l a n  a s
L i l y  E v a n s

H a r r y  L l o y d  a sL u c i u s  M a l f o y

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H a r r y  L l o y d  a s
L u c i u s  M a l f o y

H a r r y  L l o y d  a sL u c i u s  M a l f o y

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First and foremost, I would like to say that I do not own the Harry Potter franchise and all rights are reserved to J.K Rowling.

Secondly, I would like to say that this is not a 100% accurate representation of double vision. I tried to edit some things to how I think a magical person would experience it. Also, not every person has the same experience so keep that in mind.

Thirdly, I do try to update fairly quickly! I have multiple updates throughout the week! Enjoy!


I am excited to announce that I am publishing a book this June! Don't worry, it is way better than this. I hope to have the book out within a week, but I don't have an exact date as I am waiting on a cover and formatting to finish up! You can follow my authors page on Twitter to get updates! ( )

For now I will give you the name of the series: The Divine Chronicles

It is a fantasy young adult series that has enemies to lovers! Once I publish, I will give you guys a sneak peak! It will be available on amazon as an ebook or paperback.. For now, I will give you guys a description!

I never wanted the life of a Divine. I hated everything about them, everything they stood for. They were cruel, viscous creatures that took the lives of Undivine like me. When I was offered work as a maid for the Royal Divines, I never anticipated meeting one. I never anticipated becoming one. My powers emerged in a time of stress, powers I never knew I had. The Royals swept me away, forcing me to participate in the games. Three games, all meant to bring the four Courts together in an alliance. So many girls came to our Court, desperate to marry the twin princes. Two would succeed, and one would become our next queen. The other girls had always been High Divine, had always known it would come to this. I represented an alliance with the Undivine. I could resolve the unease of our people. I didn’t want to play their games, but I knew I had no choice. I said I would do anything to keep my sister safe, anything to hide the monster inside of her from the treacherous world outside. And I did. I lied, I stole, and I killed for her. I even fell in love. But love has never mattered in the eyes of the Divine, and it certainly won’t matter if I lose everything I fought so hard for.

Double Vision ~Marauders Era~Where stories live. Discover now