4: great name for a car plate!

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I was trying to pack my car in my usual parking spot, when some rough driving kid drove in past me on full speed and occupied the place. As usual the car plate read 'Shah Jahan'. She's a shuwa spoilt kid that never failed in taking advantage of me any chance she gets, along with her cousin Haneefa. They find solace in mistreating me.

I shook my head before reversing my car, thanking Allah she didn't spoilt it in process. I looked around for a soft spot and parked.

I closed my car before looking at my wristwatch. It still wasn't eight. And definitely the assembly was taking place, since the school was awfully silent. The only thing I like about this school was how they're not strict with everyone attending assembly. You can be around and just stay in class without bothering yourself over attending any assembly. At the end of the day, all the huge plasmas located randomly in school will be showcasing the summary of the assembly. And I was never a fan of assemblies anyway. I don't like standing amidst much people. Even my class of 15 I usually sit in the front, then deceive my brain to believing only front seaters were around, not 15 students.

"Dear nerdy, don't you think Jasmine Safar will be a great name for a car plate?" I just heard a voice from behind. I knew that voice. Sounds like it came from someone who's spoilt. I stopped in my track. I could feel who ever it was, walking up to me, trying to catch up with me. Finally Shah Jahan stood in front of me, looking me in the face and throwing a formidable smirk my way.

I sighed, "ain't you gonna attend assembly?" I asked.

She let out an evil laughter. "How's that your problem? Last time I checked we ain't even friends. Spare me being friends with a lonely soul like you, in case you're trying to be one with me!" She added as she scrunched up her nose.

She didn't wait for my reply before walking off past me. Not that she'll get any, even if she waited. I sighed before making my way to class.

I was about to step my leg in, when I viewed Shah Jahan joining her squad that were seated around my seat, actually one of them occupied my seat.

I slowly got in and did my salam. They were chatting uncontrollably that I wasn't sure if they heard my salam. Even if they did, no one answered!

I slowly and cautiously made my way to the other side of the row and sat on a seat farther away from them. It was Hamad's seat i'm sure. The boy everyone in class seems to admire.

I brought my book outta my bag, I had only came along with the books we'll be using today and nothing else.

Our first lecture would be geography, I only came with the jotter and textbook for it. I ain't a great fan of the rocks topic of geography, thankfully we left that in first year of high school. At that time I used to despise geography so much. When I made a complain to my mom, she said it's not a great idea despising any subject or Teacher. That way you'll be hiding behind the excuse of despise, and not try hard on it, or simply despise it on a higher level when you don't end up understanding it. That time I tried so hard to understand. I legit made it the last thing to do before sleeping. I would watch tutorials of it, all the different types of rocks in the world including; compositions of graphite, minerals, diamonds, their sources, you name it, and I was making it the first thing to do in the morning immediately I woke up.

I had to adjust my bathing schedules, I used to bath around 7:00 in the morning, or a few to seven, but that time I was bathing at 4:30. I would brush my teeth, took my bath, dressed up, prayed tuhajjud, prayed raka'atanul fajr when it's time, prayed fajr, and finally recited my azkar. I was finishing it all before 5:30am. In addition to that, I'll cuddle in bed immediately with my system and be watching YouTube tutorials of geography, I wouldn't stop till getting to 8:00am and that's when I would finally grab my bag and zoomed off to school. But that was then, and now is now.

Those things I did literally helped me a lot regarding geography, as I no longer read it that much. I've already mastered the concepts and everything regarding it. Now I don't think reading geography and killing oneself over it, is that worth it. I just listen attentively now, jot down what needs to be jotted and call it bye.

And besides i'm now good with my map scales, measuring out hills and all those things being thought in final year. In truth we've already covered most of the things. Remain just revisions now. Thank God.

I picked a physics textbook, that's what I'll be solving right now, since we have it second period and it's a double period. I always think our Monday time table is weird. Like why geography early in the morning, instead of math or physics or chemistry or anything calculatory? But, well, i'm not the class master. And I have a feeling our class master asked a student to form the time table and probably the work of Shah Jahan__the I know it all.

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