24: art design, oatmeal and owing thanks

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"What's that?" Adam showed to the bags they dropped in front of us. "Nothing." I quickly said because I don't want him to judge every single clothe in there, and i'm not ready to hear things like, "they suck!" "An eighty year old won't wear that!" "They look awful!" "Who wears that!" And stuff.

I watched him shrugged before I lazily walked up past him.

He was about to pay when I widely looked at him. "You've already paid for the shoe. Thank you. I'll now handle this." I said he glared at me before shrugging. I paid the rest and we were about to leave when I remembered I needed a Mac book and groceries too! I know Adams won't ever help me again! Like i'm just being too much!

"Hey can I grocery shop please?" I asked panting. "Is there any way they'll send everything to my house at once and i'll just pay them?" I asked tiredly. Oh God. I'm so tired.

He nodded at me before asking me to follow him. And he gave one of the attendants his car key to get all the stuff we bought to the car.

After placing an order of the groceries I needed, I gave them my address and paid, they promised the groceries would be there tonight. Couldn't be more thankful.

Finally we grabbed the macbook. Thankfully Adams wasn't that picky when it comes to that. I got a silver macbook.

"I think I owe you a lot." I said once we got in the car.

I had no idea what's funny but he ended up laughing heartlessly at me. I ignored that and began calling my mom just to see if it will go through this time.

After trying twice with no luck I gave up. He still hasn't ignited the engine of his car, so I looked to see he was typing away something on phone. I patiently waited. "What's your address the art design guy wanted it. And when do you need it?"

I gave the address and couldn't decide the exact time, so Adams ended up choosing for me. He said the guy will be there in 30 minutes. He thinks it's better to get things done as quick as possible. I couldn't agree any less.

So here I was in Adam's car, in front of my house with a bawling eyes. Once I got off the car and picked some bags as much as a zomby would , as I had equally turned one, i dropped the gift bags infront of the door. I unlocked it and pushed them inside. There were still a lot in a car. Maybe shopping 30 set of clothes at once isn't a good idea. I just hope they fit and don't appear too girly for me. Just then Adams appeared infront of me with huge gift bags in hand. He was still standing with bags in hand in-front of my door.

I knew there was no way i'll let him in my house so I just said, "Drop them here! Thank you!"

"Why? Let me help you carry them inside." He said genuinely.

I shook my head. "I won't let you in." I said tiredly with my eyes closed. I've never been this tired in my whole life.

He shrugged before dropping them there. I walked behind him, trying to carry some more when he asked me to just wait he'll help me with that, so I went back and stood infront of my door and watched him as he dropped all my shoppings for me. It's not a joke when I said I owe this guy.

He might be bitchy, cold, stupidly blunt, mean and very rude, but he definitely got a generous heart. Apart from my family, nobody on earth have never helped me this much. I kept watching as he keeps coming forth and back, dropping all my shopping bags for me. He dropped the last one and was finally done.

"I'll wait for you to finish getting them in, before zooming off. I'll be waiting in my car." He said and I gently nodded. I wanted to tell him thanks but I was so tired to even open my mouth. So i just leave it. I'll tell him thanks when next we meet, that's if he's not acting rude and mean.

I slowly began taking all the bags inside. It costs five minutes of my life to took one third of them. I was finally almost done. I came out to pick the last one's when I came out to meet Adams talking to someone from his car. Suddenly Adam's got off his car and together with the guy, they walked towards me, it must be Islamic art design guy I know.

Adam's said it's the guy. So I opened the door slightly for the guy to walk in, and I looked at Adams as he looked me in the eye before I finally got in my house and closed the door on his face. Just then I remembered how crazy was my idea of doing things. I refused to allow Adam's to get in because he's a male and how foolish was confining myself behind a closed door with another non mehram. I opened the door wide open. And Adam was still there. He smirked at me before raising my wallet on my face. "You forgot this and I came to give you."

I sighed before collecting it. "Come in as well." I widened the door for him.

I knew the whole work might take us morethan hours. So I showed the guy the walls I wanted the art designs to be on, before offering him water, which he said no to. In no time he set to work and I was grateful for that.

I turn on the tv for Adams that had occupied one of the Sofa's before checking my fridge to see what I got in there. I heaved out a sigh before grabbing two apples and water. I placed the water bottle on the center table for him and went to kitchen to wash the apples. I did and brought them for him. I then gulped down water. I was still standing in front of the fridge when i asked him, "do you fancy oatmeal?" I knew apart from the frozen berries I got, a pack of oat and an almond milk with bunch of fruits, those were the only things in my fridge. So I don't know what to give him. The least I can do for someone I owe a lot is maybe giving them real food, which I don't have at the moment.

"Fancy?" He returned my word to me, laughing away his heart.

I creased my forehead.

"I'm sorry if you don't want." I said quickly.

With thick of amusement in his voice he said, "no, I do. I'll love to see you bringing an oatmeal to me." He finished, smirking. He looked so amused. And I wonder what that was! Well, whatever that was!

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