18: a different encounter

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I was still in my car, waiting for class time to arrive when I saw her. I quickly got out of the car. I don't even know why, but I was sure it was the tanning spray. I put on my shades and spread out my hands on my car. And suddenly when she was almost closer, another weird guy that I used to be friends with before i met Camilla showed outta nowhere and began talking shit to my ears, weird things about a Mr. Smith already in class. I didn't ask him and I didn't want him to waste my time. "Get outta my way." I wanted to say. But I didn't, I ended up being so nice to him. I was sure I told him something nice.

Before I could blink my ear she had already walked past me, I quickly jogged up to her. I don't know what's her name. I don't like calling people by their names so that they don't end up thinking they are special to me. But then I wanted to call her by her name still. But I don't know her name. So I resorted to saying, "hey tanned soul." But she didn't answer. I jogged up to her.

"Cat got your tongue?" I finally asked blocking her way.

I watched as she looked up at me. Alright those are pretty eyes! Everything about her looks pretty. Well, maybe not everything. Why would she be going around with a wrinkled hijab? I mean it's wrinkly! But I promise i'm not complaining.

Suddenly enough her eyes twinkled, in more like an irritable manner before she suddenly ducked her head down.

She then mumbled something that I didn't bother to listen to. And that's when another incidence happened. I looked past the girl infront of me and viewed two girls. One was the one that talked to me in my car earlier and mentioned something about her friend wanting to talk to me. I quickly shifted my gauze away from them and focused on the beautiful tanned skin in front of me.

But before I could talk to the beautiful soul a voice interrupted me, I couldn't say it angered me up, but it wasn't the most pleasant thing to my heart either.

"You wanna come on a date with me?" The voice came from the different girl I believed to be the friend of the girl that talked me up earlier.

I wanted to be so mean to her but I don't know how it happened but because of who i'm standing next to, I ended up wanting to be nice to the girl. So I just replied, "No I rather sleep all day."

The tanned skin lady scurried off before me and surprisingly got in same afternoon class I was about to. That must mean we offer same courses then. I made a remark about that, and she ended up mumbling few things I didn't care to find out. In fact I didn't even hear her. They were incoherent words after all.

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