40: chocolates and license

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Last night I made sure I asked Adams to attend class. I was done and tired of them playing truant. At least if i'm sick, they should attend school. I was okay with them being here for me in my trying time. They really helped. But I don't want to be the source of their studies being affected.

I told them that I won't open the door for them if they come during class hours.

And they didn't. And I was thankful to Allah for that. They came in the evening and left around 10 at night. It was hilarious how Camilla didn't even talk once to me. Her character amaze me. It's funny.

In the evening when they came and rang the bell, and I went to open for them Adam asked me to come with him to the car. I was in my hijab already. And I viewed Camilla in his car. So I just went with him to the car.

"Get in we are going somewhere." He said before opening the door for me. I got in the back seat and he closed the door for me, since Camilla was occupying the front seat. I love it better here!

I then heard Adams asking if I could drive and I said yes. He nodded before turning around and continued karaokeing his music. "Just shush Adamsss!!!" Camilla groaned.

Without chewing my words I voiced out, "why? He sounds great!"

She didn't as much as look at me, neither commented, while Adams too didn't bother to stop and neither talked to us. I took that as an indication to remain shush. Just like Camilla wanted Adams to be!

We finally arrived some where. And Camilla mumbled out something which I couldn't hear, and Adams bursted out laughing at that.

But why did the place had a DVI signboard?

"Alight off. We will be getting you a driver's license." I just heard Adams said as he tried opening the car door for me. When did he even got here?

"You really look beautiful!" He added, like it was important. I mentally rolled my eyes at him. I got off the car as he closed the door.

I turned around and saw Camilla was still occupying the passenger's seat. "Ain't she coming with us?" I asked in a whisper.

"She's not." Adams calmly replied before leading the way.

I took my driving test and at the end of our session there I ended up with a driver's license.

We finally got back home.

I was going to attend class today. I've told Adams about it last night.

I walked to school. I didn't use the car Adams gifted me. I doubt I will ever use it.

I got in class and saw just few students inside. Maybe I arrived way earlier.

After about 30 minutes more students came in. That's when I checked my wristwatch and saw it was 10 minutes until lecture.

Camilla and Adams arrived 5 minutes until lecture.

He smiled cheekily at me and I did same. He then moved over and that's when I caught view of what he was holding. And Adams floats it towards me. With the help of the balloon attached to the bristle board it ended up floating around my face. There, a beautiful handwriting have cursively written, "Adams Brown Welcomes Jasmine Safar Back!"

I smiled cheekily at that, I took hold of the string as Adams released it, the whole class clapped hard at that. I collected it just in time the lecturer came in, and Adams dropped something he'd been hiding behind his back on my table. It was a pack of chocolates. "Thank you!" I whispered, before he ended up going to his seat. The lecturer threw me a knowing look and I quickly looked away. I was embarrassed. But I was happy, so it counts!

I looked to the girl i supposed having crush on Adams and felt bad. But really there's nothing going on here. He's just a nice guy equivalent to a good friend to me. Nothing more. We exchanged looks with her for a bit before she forced out a smile on me and turned around to the board from her seat, she was in front seat while Adams and I, though on same 3rd to the last row, we were on different columns. And Camilla was a second row seater. So her seat was in front of us. She's on same column as Adams.

3rd person POV
Adams have seen her having oatmeal in the cafeteria and he couldn't help but smile. So the next day he made an oatmeal for her and kept in his car. Once Camilla saw the oatmeal she asked, "what's that?"

"Don't touch it." He said.

"Are you freaking kidding me? A food in your car? I mean this is school, taking it to her house I could understand, but bringing it to school I don't know what to say about that! I know you made it, what time did you wake up just to make this?" Camilla asked.

He shrugged. "4 in the morning."

Camilla couldn't even say anything after. She just got off his car and brought out her hunger games from her bag. "I'll go read this." She voiced out.

"What about the lecture? It's a morning class." He said with genuine care.

"I won't attend."

"Camilla!" Adams called out, but she just closed the door and banged it that he got scared she would destroy his car, he literally flinched at that!

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