8: The best of planners!

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I was confused, because I didn't even know what he was referring to

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I was confused, because I didn't even know what he was referring to. So I resorted to pointing out one of my apples. "This?" I pointed to the apple with my pointing finger.

He chuckled at that before shaking his head sideways. What's even funny?

"I'll want the seat," he said, before finally seating down on the seat opposite to mine.

Oh! He needed the seat! Well I hardly mingle with guys! So I never get them when they try talking to me!

"So what are you planning on studying? Or are you getting married?"

I had a berry in my mouth when he asked, so I ended up chocking on his last sentence. What's wrong with him? I bet i'm too young for that!

"Honestly, I don't have plans. Trying to leave everything to the best of planners." I told him.

"Well, that's dope."


He was about to talk again when Shah Jahan entered the cafeteria and shouted his name, indicating he should move over to their seat, their permanent seat in the cafeteria. No one got any permanent seat except them!

"Okay bye. Talk to you later!" He whispered, couldn't even answer before he vanished.

It was 2:00 pm when I retired for the day. The rest of my mates were as usual to close by 6:00pm. I was trying to get to the parking space when I ended up bumping in to our proprietor.

"Good afternoon Sir." I greeted.

"Miss Jasmine Safar how are you?"

"I'm good Sir. Regarding the strict rule issue..." I blurted out. I didn't realise what I was saying till I saw his face tightening up.

"Strict rule?" He cocked his brows at me.

That's when it got to me I was only to call it that in my mind. I wasn't suppose to blurt it out. But I did, and it was quite unfortunate.

"I mean, not strict rule. What was I even saying? I'm sorry." I corrected.

He nodded before squinting his eyes, and jiggling the air with his hands in a gesture meant for me to go ahead. He kept looking at his wristwatch, and he needed not to voice it out that I was wasting his time. After all, it was quite rude of me stopping the whole proprietor on the school compound. I was suppose to go to his office.

"I'm talking about the final year students turning boarders from next week. I was wondering if i'm part of them."

"Your parents didn't talk to you about it?"

I blinked my eyes twice. No one talked to me about anything!

"Your father mentioned something about transferring you to a different school."

I found myself blinking again as the news hit me. That's quite confusing! I couldn't remember my dad mentioning that to me!

When he saw how confused I looked, I heard him mumbled out something before taking a look at his IPad and I saw him wore back his spectacles on, that had all the while been tucked in to his shirt pocket.

"Oh i'm sorry, it was the other Jasmine from third grade," he finally stated, and I let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Don't get me wrong I sighed not because I liked the school and hated to leave, but because transferring while in sixth grade doesn't make any sense to me. In fact it might affects my studies.

"Alright you can be leaving by 4:00pm then. I trust you to read well at home after all." He finally said.

4:00pm. That's additional two hours. But well, Alhamdulillah.

"Thank you so much Sir." I said before we departed.

I opened the passenger side of my car and dropped my bag before turning round to the driver's seat. When I got in the car I had to wait a bit, because just when I was about to start the car, the pain in my lower abdomen came back; in greater intense this time around. The pain seems to be escalating these days. I rested my head on the steering wheel without raising my head off it, till the pain reduced.

I was few miles away from home when something made me slowed down. I viewed a small girl holding an old lady. The old lady seemed to be tired or something.

I slowed down the car and parked infront of them.

"Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah." I called out, rolling down the window in process.

"Are you trying to cross the road?" I asked the little girl, thinking I could help them to the other side of the road.

The road was designated with long metallic bars separating the left and right side of the road. One needs to walk awhile before being able to cross, except the person would climb up a bridge, which everyone seemed to detest. As hardly anyone uses the bridge! Any time i'm passing by in my car, the bridge's literally empty. And it's common sense knowing what's caused that; no one wanna climb over!

"No I'm trying to take my grandma to the hospital," the girl replied.

Once I heard that, I quickly got off the car and walked round the car to their side.

I helped the girl put her grandma at the back seat of my car, before she sat along with her too.

I returned to the driver's seat and ignited the car engine.

"Which hospital is that?" I asked after awhile.

"It's my father that used to take her. So I don't even know the name of the hospital and neither does she," the girl said naively.

I didn't ask where her father was, as I didn't think it's necessary. I resorted going to the nearby hospital from the place I took them from. And that was Borno state specialist hospital. In my whole life I've only been there once, when one of my dad's friend's been hospitalised and we went to pay him a visit, along with mom and my brother. Literally my whole family!

We arrived at the hospital and realised a file needs to be opened for grandma, but I had no money with me. I asked if I could pay with ATM, but they said no. So I had to ask the little girl and her grandma to wait for me there.

I drove through the road from specialist hospital to post office and Monday market, and finally arrived at United Bank for Africa and used the ATM there. I withdrew 20k and finally made my way back to the hospital.

I opened a file for them and paid for it. In no time it was grandma's turn to see the doctor.

I waited outside as the little girl and her grandma got in the doctor's office. When I waited for some minutes and they still weren't out I found a bench in the hospital lounge and sat down.

Shortly after, the door creaked ajar, so I looked up to see the little girl coming out of the doctor's office.

"The doctor wants to see you." She told me.

I didn't hesitate before standing up and making my way inside.

My eyes almost bulged out upon seeing his face. It's like an elderly version of Hamad. And even though I haven't seen the resemblance between me and Hamad. I was sure this person looked exactly like me! He's the exact male version of me! Okay what the hell is wrong with me?



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