23: Adams the picky

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That made me felt a bang in my chest. I looked at the expression of the mall attendants. Clearly she wasn't happy at his sly remark.

"Hey, you said they were nice enough to browse about this." I said looking at him. He threw me a hurtful glare, that made me shifted my weight from one leg to another. "Alright, come this way please." She lead us to a place that had a seat, before examining my legs. "I think size 7 will fit." She said before asking us to look around for the one we want.

I saw a plain white shoe made of leather. I was looking at it when I heard Adams says "leather? Who wears that?"

I ended up moving away from it. In like five minutes he had literally cancelled morethan fifty shoes. All he kept saying were; "not this!" "Not that!" "That looks like something an animal will wear!" "That's so boyish!" "No!" "No" "no wayyy!" "You can't settle on that one, do better!"

Infact even the mall attendant got tired of seeing us around and offered to help. I bet that was the biggest mistake she made. She ended up walking around with us, as much as i'm walking like a zombie out of tiredness she's no any different from me. I looked over to Adams where he was looking keenly at other shoes. Is he human?! He isn't even tired. My eyes were literally bawling. I just randomly picked a shoe and I couldn't even read the size because i was super tired, I should have known no way Adams will help you if he doesn't have a different motive.

"Is it size seven?" I handed the shoe to the attendant who was also panting like me. And I felt bad for her because she can't even enjoy my sitting position right now. Actually being a mall attendant is hard. You can't literally seat down! That's harsh! And with people like Adams, it's just not it! They make everything a million times harder.

"It is." She finally said panting. She bowed down to stretch herself and placed her hands on her knees, in a ruku'u style. And that's when I got the strength to even open my eyes!

"Adams since I'm the one wearing this shoe I think it's best I choose the one I want. I've picked this." I said tiredly and slowly showing the shoe on his face. He scrunched up his face before he shrugs. 

"Even an 80 year old won't wear that!"

I acted like I didn't hear him. He's so picky. I wonder how he gets himself stuff. Just from buying a shoe we wasted like an hour or more.

I'm so tired that I don't even know if i'll grocery shop. Again I ran out of clothes. And this is somewhat an opportunity for me to get what I'll wear.

I whispered to a different attendants to pack 30 sets of clothes for me. I was so tired that I didn't want to touch a thing anymore. But not just that, deep down I don't want to end up with Adam's picky behavior. That's sure a flaw!

The attendant asked me to spread out my hands and I lazily do that. She scrutinized me before nodding. She asked us to wait she'll be back in a few. Keeping to her words she ended up coming back with so much clothes. Along with other two attendants.

"What's that?" Adam showed to the bags they dropped in front of us. "Nothing." I quickly said because I don't want him to judge every single clothe in there, and i'm not ready to hear things like, "they suck!" "An eighty year old won't wear that!" "They look awful!" "Who wears that!" And stuff.

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