31: the top score

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The next morning I woke up kinda late. And I was having a morning class. I quickly took my bath and dressed up. When I went to pick a clothe, i noticed it was too girlish for my liking. The first gift bag I opened had this all girlish looks, the second was the same story and time was against me. So once I grabbed the third gift bag I knew what ever it looked like i just have to manage because I don't got all day, except I want to miss my morning lecture which won't be great. I needed to unbag them all and actually see what I got in there. I just hope they ain't like all these one's I've seen. I hope i'll atleast get many plain ones, that'll be my real taste. If not i'll have to end up as the girl that everyone likes her clothes more than they like her. I can't afford people liking my clothes and fashion sense while me hating my own style. I hate girly dresses.

Ya Rabb my eyes are giving me the most painful severe pain ever! Maybe I disturbed them with reading. When i checked the mirror earlier on in the loo while bathing, I saw how red they've turned. It frightened me up. And they were so painful. I knew i'll need sunglasses. Thank God i have one, brought it with me all the way from Nigeria.

By the time I've dressed up it was just 30 minutes away from the first lecture, time was against me. So, couldn't have time to eat a thing, though I've already made an oatmeal. So I just packed it, put it in my bag before sauntering to school.

Once I arrived I attended the first lecture before making my way to the library. I finished reading and when I checked my wristwatch it was 30 minutes away from the test. We'll get to hear our assignments grades before the test, since everyone had submitted it last night to his email, as 12:00am was the deadline he said. So I knew hearing the grade will at least give me an insight of how well I can cope.

I still didn't get to eat a thing. So I quickly scurried off to the cafeteria to have my oatmeal.

I got to the cafeteria and gently got a seat. I was halfway through my oat meal when Adams appeared out of nowhere. He scrunched up his face at me before saying, "is it that delicious?"

"You want some?" I asked.

"Why do you eat that?"

I just shrugged. "It's my fav. You don't have reasons to like some things if you truly like them."

"You don't have reasons to like some one if you truly like them?" He repeated after me, just that he animated his sentence. What ever that was! And I guess it was meant to be a question. So I just nodded at him.

"It's not a question weirdo!" He said before throwing an amusing smile my way. He seemed happy and I don't know why.

Then I heard someone called him. "Alright, Camilla!" I heard him answered. And with a mischievously mischievous look he vanished from my sight, not without saying, "your sunglasses looks weird. Totally out of style!"

I shook my head at him. Before scrunching up my nose and removing it.

I finished eating and entered class. I gently sat down. Later on, Adams and another girl that I've seen in this class got in, they came in late. We locked eyes with him and his eyes literally bulged out, he looked keenly at me before his forehead formed a v-shape. I wonder what that was. I just looked away and concentrated in class. Our assignments grades were showcasing on the board with the help of a projector.

I'm just seeing Cs. Then I saw mine it was a B. Three other students also got Bs. And then in the other two assignments I was having Bs too. And quite a number of students got Bs too. Wow guess the competition game here gonna be strong.

Then I heard the lecturer clearing his voice. "Only one student got As." He said and I wondered who that was.

"Adams Brown." He finally said and pressed the remote as the next slide shown with only Adam's name and his scores on it.

But wait do we have two Adams in class?

Then suddenly the lecturer said "goodluck Adams!" With a smile on his face and looking towards Adams's seat.

Just like the rest of students I found myself looking towards Adams as well, and he had this confused expression on his face, he wasn't even smiling. He seemed to be doing that whenever our eyes locked. Was my look that disturbing? Maybe I should stop looking at him. I just turned around and concentrated more on the lecturer.

We finally wrote the test and were awaiting grades, when the lecturer finally announced he was done marking all the scripts, it took him just few minutes.

"I'm happy nobody got an F. And that has assured you all have been following and have understood it correctly." The lecturer said.

"This time around only one student got an A+, another got a B+. And the rest of class it's a C for some and C+ for others. There's still room for improvement." He said.

I knew it was Adams with an A.
Adams Brown. I never heard of his surname till today. It kinda sounds cool. As in, Brown, like chocolate. Brown Ethiopian, just that he appears white physically, Haha!

Suddenly my eyes yelped with pain and I quickly rested my head on my seat table.

"I'll be calling names from the less scored grades upward." I heard the lecturer's voice.

He began calling names. He was done with C. And right there I knew due to my eye condition and all the pain scattering me in, he must have called my name and I missed it. These two students with the top score must be lucky.

"B+ scored by..." He started.

"Adams Brown."

They were tons of claps from the class and many congratulations erupting out from people's mouth.

"A+ scored by Jasmine Safar."

Wait! Did I heard that right? But how did I get that? Alhamdulillah. Allah must have pitied me and gave it to me. Alhamdulillah.

I slowly raised my head from my table and looked at the lecturer. "Congratulations miss Jasmine Safar."

"Thank you." I whispered.

The lecturer asked them to clap for me and they did, and some others offered me congratulations as well which I thanked them for. I slowly turned my head around towards Adams and he smiled at me along with giving me a thumps up. I smiled back.

In two minutes the class have ended and the lecturer have left. And yeah i was done for the day. I stood up before putting back my sunglasses and quickly leaving the class. I can't stand the pain in my eyes.

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