36: glasses

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Jasmine Safar's pov
Once we arrived at the hospital, Adams did all the procedures necessary, and we got in the doctor's office. Adams was asked if he was family, he looked at me before saying no, so the doctor asked him to wait outside.

The doctor checked my eyes and said he had no idea why i'm still not blind. By Allah that shocked all the veins in me. I was scared. You can imagine how scary it was for a doctor to look at your face and wonders why you're still not blind. I found myself stammering and asking what could be wrong. Then he mentioned glasses. Oh great! He told me everything I needed to know about the medical glass. I was to be given second to the last lense in the series of lenses of my type of glass. Second to the last! Just like that!

I was so scared. I told him I would first need to discuss it with my family. But the worst part of it was how I couldn't seem to get hold of them. He explained things to me.

"To be honest with you, your condition have worsened. And I bet it hadn't been long right?" He asked.

I nodded my head before telling him it's been roughly a week or less eversince it started.

"And you see it has reached this point. Any thing more than 24hours will hugely affect your sighting." He just said and calmly looked at me.

I hope i'm not being rude if I say he somewhat ended up looking like a horror in my eyes. Why telling a little innocent girl like me all these things? I wonder how doctor's brain work sometimes. But then if he refused to tell me and I end up not paying much attention to it, I might end up losing my sight. Still I needed to discuss things with someone. I can't just decide on my own to be using medical glasses.

Oh my God. Ya Allah please help me out. I wanted to cry out my heart so bad. I just bowed my head down. I placed it on the doctors table before I let out my tears.

"I'm sorry miss. I know it's painful. But crying will worsen it by 45% and increase it's risk. You're 35% away from turning blind. Nothing caused this but the reflection of rays from electronics, safe to say computer."

I quickly rose my eyes from my table, system! System! I've been reading with it all my life, since I can't remember. I read too much books. Too much! Probably they caused all these. But why hasn't any symptoms shown till now? Why?

"When did you come to Scotland?" He asked and I told him.

"From which country?"


"There, the effects of the coldness caused that. It's such a rare case. But cold weather increase the risk of eye pain by 65%"

"Please i'll be right back." I told him before standing up and making my way outside.

I was met with Adams figure standing with one leg and his back pressed to the wall. I called his name and he turned around with a smile before it completely fell at the sight of me.

I released a sigh and waited till he came towards me.

"He said I needed a medical glass." I said.

His forehead formed a v, as his eyes bulged out.

"Common let's change hospital."

I shook my head at him. "There's no much time. I'm only 24 hours from turning blind as he put it." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. I so badly wanted to cry. But I knew I can't if at all I value my sight.

"I'm sorry." Adams said.

I gently nodded my head. "He said I can't even cry Adams. I so badly wants to cry. What do you think of the glasses? Should I allow it? I wanted to discuss it with you." I said in a bit quick voice. I was super nervous. I don't know how my parents will react to this.

Adams lowered to my height, "look Jasmine it's gonna be okay. Don't worry okay?" He said looking me in the eye. We've locked eyes for few moments before I finally felt the tears again. I wanted to cry. It was so painful in there. My eyes were the most painful thing ever. But I didn't want to cry because of that, I wanted to cry at why this guy chose to be nice to me over all people. I wanted to cry at why he was so kind with me. "Thank you so much Adams!" I said as a lone tear cascaded down my face.

"Don't cry. You look ugly with all those tears on face." He said moving his hands towards my face trying to clean them.

I quickly moved back as I left out a chuckle, "believe me I'm trying." I told him, I knew I was trying with controlling the tears, if not I wanted to cry till I filled up a small bucket with tears, "and I got this." I added referring to wiping away my tears. So I wiped them away and with a single look towards Adams I got back to the doctor.

Ya Allah please have mercy on me. You're the most Merciful.

It's been an hour when I came out with glasses on, after having a mini operation done on my eyes. He assured me I could carry out all my activities, but still needed to be careful. I should take a rest for few days. And be coming back for checkup. I thanked him and left.

Once out Adams moved towards me. "Do you need any help? Should I hold you?" He asked with care.

I shook my head, and forced out a smile. "I'm good. Thank you." I said.

"They look good on you. Everything looks good on you." He said referring to the glasses. I gently smiled at that. I was amused at him saying that. Considering what he called my other glasses that I came all the way from Nigeria with. I loved that glasses. But now I don't, not after he called it weird.

"So what did the doctor said?" Adams asked as we reached the exit of the hospital door. He pulled the door and hold it out for me. I walked past it, as he followed. I began telling him everything the doctor said, he then unlocked his car with his car remote, opened the car door for me, hold it for me till I got in before closing the door.

We arrived at my house. "So what should we do? Order a maid for you or something?" He asked while we were in the car.

I shook my head and smiled at that, "I'm not yet blind Adams. You are wearing grey shirt, with black sweatpants and a huge black mufler with shuffled hair like that of a maniac." I said and he smirked at me. "So, you see i'm not blind. I can see clearly, i'm alright I can handle this." I added.

Please medical terms in this chapter are purely fictional. I don't know if cold intensify eyepain etc! Though i've experienced a guy (my lil bro) suffering from eye pain due to intense bathing with cold water. And that might not be the only factor that caused it. But i just wanna tell you that the medical terms i used pertaining her eyepain ain't based on research, they are purely fictional 🤍 

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