9: the gap between us

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"I wanted some one that I could explain things to. And she is a young girl. So I asked who she came along with and she said you." He explained.

I nodded slightly, all the while thinking of the possibilities why I would resemble a total stranger. But just like how Hamad is the only one seeing our resemblance, seems like i'm the only seeing this resemblance as well. Seems like the doctor ain't aware of that!

"Or are you not family?" He asked again.

I shook my head sideways.

"But do you live with them?" He rose his head up from the file in front of him, he had been keenly looking at it. Again I shook my head sideways, his face dropped at that and I felt bad.

"You can tell me still. I can pay them a visit or you can explain everything to her. I'm sure she will get it." I said pointing to the little girl.

"Alright her sickness is complicated. She needs to be drinking lots of water. About a full gallon daily. And her diet should be restricted to vegetables and moderate cabs. No any protein. What ever kind of protein it maybe." He said and prescribed the medicine for us. He then asked us go to the pharmacy section and collects the medicines.

We got out and I asked them to seat in the waiting area and wait for me to come back. That's when I realised I didn't even know their names.

"My name is Jasmine Safar. What about you?" I asked the little girl.

I watched as her eyes dilated in familiarity instead of answering me.

"Safar Mala Kacalla, house of Assembly, you are his daughter?" She asked in shock!

I squeezed my brows a bit before nodding. "You know me?" I asked.

She smiled sadly before shaking her head indicating no.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just that I've been thinking bad of the rich. Never thought the elites could be nice." She said. I smiled at her naivety before saying, "you wait for me here alright? Will be back with the medicine in no time." I said.

"I am Iman." The girl hyper yelled. I had already walked some steps away from them. I turned completely around before smiling at her. "Awesome name!" I said before turning back and continued walking.

I reached the pharmacy and gave out the card. They gave me all the medicines before saying they don't have the last one.

"Where do you think I can find it please?" I politely asked the pharmacist there.

"You can get it in Lamisawa pharmacy. But incase you don't, destiny patent medicine store have it i'm sure."

I knew the destiny patent medicine store, because it was near my house. I sometimes buy medicines from there too. But I don't know the lamisawa pharmacy, even though it vaguely sounds familiar.

"Where is this lamisawa located at please?" I asked.

"It's in this area, along Yakubu Gowon road."

So lamisawa is in Hausari. I know Yakubu Gawon road definitely.

I thanked him and left.

"Iman let's go." I finally said as I helped her with taking Grandma to the car. "Get in the passenger seat and allow her some rest." I said to Iman as I asked grandma to lay down on the backseat. And she did.

"I couldn't get all the medicines so we have to stop by a pharmacy for the remaining ones."

We finally arrived at Lamisawa. And lucky enough we were able to get the medicine.

That's when I placed a call to my mom. I had already met her missed call. Guess she must be wondering why I wasn't back still. So I called her back and let her know I was good and will be home soon.

"Iman you must be hungry right?" I asked. But she said no.

"Well, i'm sure grandma will need some food to take her medicine with." I said and slowed down at a nearby restaurant.

"Alright, wait for me here." I said locking up the car and removing the key before I walked to the restaurant.

I came back with their food. I only bought a drink for Iman and a bottle of Faro(water) for Grandma. Since carbonated drinks wouldn't be good for her now.

Iman helped grandma ate. She only had few bites, before taking the medicines.

I couldn't help but pity the girl. She said they live with her father(iman's father) who's a driver along with grandma. That's three of them. He usually stays for two weeks before coming back. And this time around it's been four weeks with no any sign of him. And that's how grandma got sick and she was the only one to take her to the hospital.

Iman finally finished eating, i had to force her to. Such a small girl with so much on her plate already! We need to be grateful to Allah all the time. Sometimes we might be thinking nothing is going right for us, till we come across someone suffering hard, then we realise ours' is nothing comparable.

Iman told me their location and I drove to drop them off. I helped grandma got in to their house, and made her lie down.

I gave Iman the rest of what remained from the 20k I withdrew from bank. And explained further to her all what the doctor said.

"Thank you Jasmine. I will forever be indebted to you." She said as she wiped away a tear.

"Please it's okay. It's nothing really." I said and smiled genuinely at her.

"When you grow up in to a beautiful kindhearted but firm lady, take it as you have repaid me."

"I will Jasmine. May all you lay a hand on be blessed. May your life be blessed. May you never come in contact with anything that will make your life miserable." She prayed and I smiled and thanked her. As they said some times age is just a number, as here stood a girl that could pray like a 50 year old! Mashaa Allah.

I was about to leave when I saw Iman trying to come with me to wave me goodbye. And that's one of the best gestures ever! But I wanted her to stay with grandma!

"It's okay Iman you don't have to. Please just stay here with grandma. I will pay a visit sometime."

She nodded, before whispering a thank you.

"Pay me a visit sometime along with grandma too please. I'll tell all the securities that once an Iman pay a visit, they should let her in." I chuckled. "...I will be expecting you really." I added and she nodded with a smile before waving me off. I turned around and walked out of the house.

"What a different world!" I sighed. The situation in this country really baffles me. The likes of Shah Jahan and all the students from my school, me included, live the life we want, yet they exist a house like this in the middle of Hausari of Maiduguri!

I don't think I will ever understand the huge gap between the elites and third class people of this country. The gap between both classes is too huge. And the worst thing is I don't even know the way out. I'm ignorant of the way out. And I can't help with anything except I know the main source of why all these is happening. Is someone stealing the wealth? Is it the whole system our country being laid on faulty? I really wants to know the way out. Because i'm sure it can't be like this round the world. I'm sure some areas in the world, their third class people can afford a decent life style.

Remember to give your writer a follow okay? I love u guys!

Drafted 9th November 2020
Published 31st January 2023

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