41: the cafeteria

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The lecture had finish. And Alhamdulillah I couldn't be happier, my eye wasn't paining me but I was afraid things might go wrong at the rate my eyes been fixed at my jotter since I kept jotting down things.

Once the lecturer was out I grabbed my bag and left the class. I've reached hallway when I felt like someone's trynna catch up with me.

"Common I'll help with that," he said referring to my backpack as his hands reached out for it.

"I'm good. No need." I whispered, but he was being stubborn.

I don't know how he do it but he always smell nice and always looking organized. He's part of them gang that look neat, smell good and got awesome sense of dressing.

I don't know why I just thought of that. Maybe it was the sickness getting to my brain. I found myself smiling at that, even though it was the most weird moment to smile.

"What's so funny?" He asked. And I knew he would.

I didn't reply but just shrugged as we kept walking. I was going to the cafeteria, but he looked as if he was heading to his car, and he was actually trying to get me there as well.

"Forgot to ask, how's driving by the way?"

I squinted my eyes at that, I was trying to figure out how to say I left the car there where he left it at –my house, without hurting his feelings.

"Haven't figured out how to get here without my legs."

"Your car is your leg too Jasmine." He said and I looked up to see him tightening his lips.

I knew he was trying to be patient and keep his cool. That made me smile a little. "I'm sorry Adams." I apologised.

"Jasmine it's just a gift please. Nothing else wallah." He said.

I found myself grinning widely at him. I literally stopped walking and just kept looking at him with such a weird grin. I knew he might have started thinking I've lost it.

"You just said that!" I said as my grin widened a bit.

He only rolled eyes at me before he continued walking, while i remained glued to my spot, I had to later jog up to him, "you said wallah Adams! And it sounded so cool wallah." I said the last word trying hard to imitate his accent. He only shook his head and laughed.

"I got something for you in my car!"

"Okay!" I said with a shrug. All the time I've been playing with the balloons he got me. And for the chocolate I had long since finish them up in class. Turn out only the Nigerian schools are so strict with that! Over here you can do anything you want in class and still be okay! Though I try to keep my manners intact still.

I was finally standing by his car when he opened the passenger door and brought out something. "I got this for you." He said and handed me a pack, I just looked at him.

"What could be in there?" I asked, widening my eyes.

Something I burnt my hands while making.

"Doesn't sound like a good news."

"Hopefully you will like it though." He said and automatically I realised what's in there.

"Thank you."

"You gonna have it in here or at the cafeteria?" He asked.

I've never seen anyone eating in his car before –Mealer red. Oh yeah he got the mealer red, the fastest car on earth so far.

"Do you ever allow people eat in your car?"

I don't know if my sentence was funny but he started laughing, "I don't. But this is Jasmine. She ain't people. She is Jasmine!"

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