19: spilled milk vs unpacking

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Jasmine's POV

Ever since we had a call with my parents the other day I can't seem to catch their line. I've tried more than fifty times i'm sure, but with no luck. I began getting scared, but I don't like over thinking things. So, I made myself believe it will be alright. I never got to shop anything. I have been eating at school, even though I have few foodstuff from when we were staying in the hotel with my parents. I didn't like wasting stuff, so I brought them with me when they were living and stored everything in my fridge.

I've missed so many things. Eversince I came, not once I had any oat meal and honestly I feel like dying. I want to have some oat meal.

With that thought I decided to go round the house and fix somethings because I haven't even unpacked, I don't know when I've turned this lazy, but honestly I have been here for less than a week, so I think it's all right not to unpack till now. And since I'll do it today I'll be good. I looked at the vacant wall in my bedroom and heaved a sigh. I need to make it look like a Muslim inhabitant is invading this place. I need some Islamic artwork. I don't even know where to find some. And I need to grossery shop while i'm at it. But I just don't know anyone or any place. I don't know what to do. There's a lot to buy. I need to even buy clothes for myself. And about this artwork design I don't even think there's anyone in my class that I can ask. I doubt there's anyone of same faith as me. I just hope I find someone. They can't be no Muslim in Scotland.

I quickly finished unpacking and dressed up to go to school. I don't even have any morning class. The very reason I stayed in my house and finished all that's needed to be finished.

I had already slung my back pack on my shoulder and was already to be off, suddenly a voice in me reminded to have breakfast from the scrap of what I had in fridge. So I went to the fridge and opened it, I got an almond milk, it was literally thirty minutes before the next class, since I didn't get ready on time while I've been unpacking. So I knew I had no time to waste, so I lifted up the whole milk pack and tried drinking it from it's mouth, my hand mistakenly shook and the milk ended up spilling on my hijab and it sank all the way to my shirt. Right there I knew I had to change cloth. Among my sets of dresses I have, i only have one set more that I never wanted to wear. Mom chose it for me, not that I don't like it, but it appeared out of comfort zone for me. And I don't know why. Probably cause it's a matching attire and I was never a fan of appearing girly. I'm not rough and still not girly. Just moderate.

I dropped my bag pack on the sofa before going in to my bedroom to change my wears. You might be wondering what I unpacked earlier right? Haha incase you were thinking of clothes it's not. It was actually all my books right from primary one to SS3. That's what I unpacked. And some inners and some hairbands and other things that are necessary for a girl that I don't have to mention.

I put on the jeans and that's when I had a closer look at the offwhite brand logo. I had to fought the urge of groaning. Now everyone will know I'm wearing a designer. I always prefer my clothes simple. That's why I usually go for Arab dresses, that way no body will know if you're wearing a fancy clothe or not. But maybe I shouldn't complain since no one chose an English land for me. I chose it myself.

I removed the gown I was wearing earlier along with the Jean jacket i had atop it and got in the trouser and a plain white T. But I loved my jean jacket, so i wore it back. I scavenged for the white veil I wore on the first day and fixed my hijab firmly before finally leaving the house.

I walked down to school and that was roughly 30 minutes. Even though they don't have a problem with teachers making it to class before students here, I just don't feel right doing so. But, then there's nothing I could do. Almond milk spilling on me was a mistake. And I refuse to over think over a mistake.

3rd person's pov
She had already reached the students parking space, she released a sigh. She knew she will soon reach class. After all the classes ain't further away from the parking lot.

She was about to pass when she mistakenly locked eyes with vaguely familiar guy. The guy had spread out his hands on the driver side of a red car and was wearing this extremely cute sunglasses that she hates to admit it's cute.

Suddenly she saw someone jogged up to him. "Hey Adams Mr. Gab is already in class." The guy said.

She still didn't stop walking. She was now like five feet away from them, but she was hearing all the guy was saying because he was talking loudly and panting because of the jogs he made.

"Did I ask you? Mind your business kiddo! And that dress sucks!" The guy retorted.

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