5: oh! Cat got my tongue!

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I inwardly rolled my eyes and picked out a calculator from my bag. I peeped to see whether they were done with my seat when I saw Haneefa clapping her hands on her thighs hard and laughing away her heart. I hate to admit it but for the second time(the first time in kano) I wanted to have some friends or even a friend. I had no idea when a smile crept to my lips. I don't know how people do it, but like do they just say hi and boom! ends up with friends? Well, maybe they're just lucky and maybe I'm lucky in my own way too.

I turned to my book and began calculating. I knew I won't get to calculate much before the teacher comes in. After all, i'm sure the assembly will be done in a minute or two. I glanced at my wristwatch and indeed it was two to eight.

When I saw that I just closed the book and allowed my brain to rest. I won't even do the calculation, so I closed my eyes, not trynna sleep but I just needed some rest.

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain silently, I felt more pain in my left lower abdomen. "Ya Rabb please make it easy." I prayed silently. I then placed my right hand atop the place and recited this Du'a 7 time. "Bismillah. Bismillah. Bismillah. Audhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhaziru."

I couldn't finish reciting the dua when I heard Malak' voice, she was talking about something a bit louder than the rate they were talking earlier.

"Oh Scotland. Ya Rabb how I love that place." I heard her say. By the time I had already finished reciting the dua. So I began putting my books and calculator in my bag since the seat owner would soon come in, and I had to stand up.

"I was there once. Ya Rabb that place is life. You gotta see so many wonderful things. Scotland is heaven on it's own." That was Shah Jahan. She was talking and flickering her lashes, letting her emotions over the place, as if letting everyone know how bad she missed the place.

Just then I stood up, I was trying to make it to my seat, or at least stand beside my seat till they were done when I bumped in to something. I looked up to see who it was.

I saw Anas. I wanted to tell him sorry but I couldn't talk. I had no idea why. It was like this thing that people call a cat gotten someone's tongue. We looked at each other for few seconds before he finally darted away his eyes. I'm sure I saw sparks in there. I'm kidding. He is Jahan's. What would he do with a girl like me? And I've spent all my life in this school without a boyfriend. I don't even need one.

I quickly glanced at the floor and kept biting my tongue. And firmly hold the handle of my bag pack that I had slide to my right shoulder. I let the left handle dangling freely. I didn't wear it.

"I'm sorry. I just saw our resemblance. I mean why do you resemble me?" He said slowly looking at my face, before his pupils dilated behind me.

"I'm sure we don't. I don't see it. I'm sorry too." I whispered.

"No, honestly I've been seeing that for the past two years. I just didn't talk to you about it." He explained.

"Oh!" I replied awkwardly, and just then the teacher got in. I finally walked past him to my seat and even without turning around I heard his footsteps making way to his seat. The guy I've been admiring from afar. By Allah this is my little secrets. I can't call him a crush, I don't like him or anything. But I just admire him, just that I wasn't up to his league and judging from the way everyone wants to know Anas Anas, and from the way Jahan is all over him, I just didn't care. He isn't even good with sports, okay he doesn't even do sports and I don't think he do makes it to the top 10 in class and his looks I'd rate a 6 outta 10. He's just blessed with popularity.

Thankfully before I could make it to my seat, the girls have stood up and went to their's. Thank God. I dropped my bag and pressed my shoulder to relieve it off the pain. I wasn't even feeling pain on my shoulder, I just did that because it had become a habit.

I just sat down and finally Mr. Fuad took his seat on the stage.

Students began greeting him and I began searching for my notes, waiting for them to finish before blowing my own greetings his way. Not talking about kiss in case you all are wondering so.

After I finally placed my jotter atop my desk, I opened my mouth to greet him when he beat me to it. "Miss Jasmine Safar I hope you're in good shape this morning." He said with an accent. Mr. Fuad is half Nigerian Half Somali and he has this accent that differentiate him from 100% Nigerians. Not being racist but it's the truth.

"I am sir." I whispered along offering him a tight smile. He nodded at me before making way to the board.

"Well, revisions right?" He asked the class.

"Yes, revisions!!!" Shah Jahan's voice stood out as she dragged and fashionalised her words.

I saw Mr. Fuad writing list of countries on board. Guess he really meant revisions when he said so. Never thought he would starts from two years back.

"Alright, I remember the first time I met you guys, when I came in to class I asked if you guys knew about some countries in Europe. And literally everyone kept mum. Except one person who I can't remember who it was, mentioned few. Not up to ten. But still the person did great. I think it's Jasmine Safar." He said.

Once our eyes met with him I shook my head side ways. Well, that was like a year ago, it definitely wasn't me. That sounded like something I would fail at. I was sure someone answered him, but can't place who. 

"It was me," came Shah Jahan's voice.

"Well, can't remember who it was, I thought it was Jasmine."

Mr. Fuad; 


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Save your writer's life and don't notify this guy of this in case you know him. And make sure you don't call him Fuad in case you coincidentally or fatefully meet him on the road. This's the only pic I could find on the internet of someone that resemble the Mr. Fuad guy in my head ; half Somali half Nigerian! 

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