15: misery happened to the oatmeal

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Adam's POV

It's seven in the morning, how I ended waking up by this hour will forever be a wonder to me. I usually pray subh and once my head hit the pillow even waking up at nine is a whole misery for me. I'm in love with sleep. I hate how i'm so stuck on what to wear today. I'll just ask a help from my sister. I feel lazy to even walk up to her room. So I just flipped my computer and called her on face time. "Hey baby girl your bro needs your help." I said groggily.

"I'll tell you what to wear. That's 100 dollars. Negotiation bro! Negotiations!!" She whispered in her little voice. She was in a nightgown and had this messy hair packed in a bun. "How did you know I was to ask of that? And why ain't you dressed up yet?" I said flickering my eyes.

She raised a brow at me. "I'm a Scottish sister of a Scottish boy. Why won't I know? And in case you're wondering why i'm not dressed up, which you really are, it's because I don't have any morning class." She said.

I rolled my eyes at that. She was in her first year of highschool.

"Gotta go! I'll accept 100 sterlings from you. A grey sleeve, off white blank pants with a matching sneakers will be great. 100 Sterlings." She said before moving away from the screen and living me there. I knew she was gone. I ended the call and flipped closed my macbook. My lil sis learned so much from mom and has taken after her in fashion design. She really has her way around fashion design, as little as she is she sometimes design clothes for new brands.

I quickly dressed up and found my way to the kitchen. Just as I stepped my leg in, the microwave alarm turned off. I smirked hard at that. I knew what's in there. My little sister made something worth throwing in a bin which i'm about to.

I brought out the bowl, as usual it was that stupid oat meal I hate. I raised it up the bin and watched it dropping in to the bin in a drawy manner. I could see berries, strawberries, almonds, and all sorta nuts inside.

"What the heck Adams!" A voice shrieked from behind me. I turned around and saw my little sister standing with hands on waist. She was fuming in anger.

"Oh! I saw a bee atop it and thought I should help my sister not to end up turning the loo home."

"A bee in a micro wave? What the heck Adams!" She said still fuming with rage

"Just tell the truth Adams. You need to stop lying." She shouted.

"Alright I threw it away because I hate it." I said smirking at her.

"Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean everyone else don't and that you can't allow people to like it and have what they want." She kept fuming and I wanted  to laugh.

But I knew she was wasting her time. Honestly, this had been a mini role for me, anytime I lay my eyes on oatmeal I put it on me to make sure it ends up in bin. I just despise it.

"Hey hey! What's going on here?" Mom showed up. And my little sister turned around and began explaining things to her.

"Mom he wasted my delicious oatmeal and threw it in a bin againnnnnnnn." She complained.

"Adams!" Mom shouted my name.

I began laughing. "Hey little sis don't you think it's better complimenting your handsome bro's dressing this morning than ranting off like a groggy lion?" I said spreading out my hands. She glared at me.

"Handsome my foot! Just wait till everyone in school hear what you're doing to me. I'm sure they will all hate you. All the girls in school will run away from you after knowing how much of a monster you are." She said angrily. I had no idea when I started laughing, my sister didn't even smile. While mom, she was just trying to suppress her laughter.

"Mom he's already seventeen. He's supposed to move out of this house! I don't even know what he is still doing here!" She shouted again in anger.

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