Chapter 3 part 1

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We finally landed after what seemed like forever at a pub Hagrid said was named the Leaky Cauldron. We walked inside and as we did people started whispered, I just kept following Hagrid. He led us to the back of the pub and we went through a door. We walked into a room that was lined with brick walls. The wall in front of us had a hole in it and Hagrid tapped on the bricks surround that hole. As it did so the bricks separated created a door way and I watched in awe. 

"Welcome to Diagon Alley!" Hagrid exclaimed. 

"Woah. What is this place?" I asked as we started walking through the alley that was lined with little shops on both sides, and had hundred of people walking around. 

"This is like a shopping center, but for wizards and witches. We are gonna get some supplies for you including wand!" He pointed me towards a shop named Ollivanders. 

"I'll wait out here for you just go in" he urged him inside. 

I walked in and gazed at the hundreds of wands stacked on shelves like books. 

"My goodness. You look just like her," an old man said to me while he watched me. 

"Excuse me?" I asked confused. 

"Lily. You look just like her. Though you have your fathers curls. You must be Elizabeth. It's quite funny, you don't look very much like Harry, you do have the same eyes though. I remember when he first walked in here, he said the same look on his face. I was wondering when I was going to get to assist you in finding the wand for you." He said as he began looking through all the shelves of wands. 

"Try this one here," he opened it up and revealed a simple looking stick, which was just polished and glazed.

 I didn't really like how it looked, and I'm guessing the man knew how I felt because he closed it up after looking at me. 

"That's alright, plenty of more to try. It also took Harry quite a while to find the wand that was right for him," he went back to pillaging though the wands. 

I smiled at the thought of Harry, I couldn't wait to meet him. Hopefully he felt the same way, I wonder if he ever tried to come into contact with me.  

I looked at the man, who I'm guessing is named Ollivander or something, and he hand a box in his hand it seemed hesitant in giving it to me, he stood there and then finally walked towards me, handing it to me. I opened it and when I grabbed it, it felt as though I was in the air and wind was pushing all over me. It felt right. 

Ollivander gasped, "Merlins Beard. I can't believe it. That wand has a core that only two other wands possess, Harry's and the wand of he who shall not be named. They have the core of a feather from a Phoenix. I'm surprised but I really shouldn't be. You are all connected." He stared at me in awe.
After Hagrid and I got all I needed, he said he had one more thing he needed to get for himself. He told me to wait outside some random shop but I decided to wander off, probably not the brightest idea but I was curious. I walked and walked not paying attention to where I was going. I ended up in a place that looked rather alarming, then I saw a group all dressed in black and they began following me. I sped up and they persisted. I started to run and they only got faster. I saw a store ahead and ran inside making sure the door closed behind me. I turned around and was hit by what felt like a strong wall. 

"Ouc-" I rubbed my head and looked up at a boy a bit taller than me with platinum white hair. His pink lips popping out compared to his pale face. But then his eyes met him..his eyes...they stared into mine. His grey eyes. I was speechless. 

"You better watch where you're going, might not be so lucky next time you run into someone around here," he said after breaking our eye contact. 

"I-uh. I was being followed not my fault," I said as I began to look around the shop still standing between this boy and the door. This place was weird. And creepy.

"Well it looks like whoever was following you is gone," he said as he leaned over my shoulder and looked out the door, "you can go back to wherever you came from now, you certainly don't belong here." He smirked. 

I didn't know whether or not to be offended. It seemed like he was being nice but rude at the same time.
"Actually this is the perfect place for me, I love.." I picked up the closest thing to me and looked at it, "um skulls that have sharp teeth." I put it right back down.

He laughed but then it slowly faded as he got a closer look at me.
"You remind me of someone. It's not your're eyes. Bloody're Elizabeth. How can you be related to that disgraceful boy Pottah." He spat.

"Excuse me? First of all, how does everyone know my name. Second of all, disgraceful how? And third of all, you mean Potter? Why do you say 'Pottah'? That's kind of funny." I laughed but he didn't, so I forced myself to stop. 

"First of all, everyone has known Harry had a twin sister, he made sure of it every year, saying that you would come, but you never did. Until now. Second," he started getting closer to me and I backed up, he kept inching forwards and I backwards almost out of the shop, "that brother of yours hangs around with mudbloods, wizards with ordinary, boring, disgusting, powerless human parents. He's part of why Hogwarts has gone to garbage. He should be hanging around with pure bloods like me."
He got even closer, I was forced the walk backwards out of the shop and my back touched the wall of the alley, Draco followed and we were inches apart. 

"Third of all, the way I say 'Pottah' is perfectly normal." He finally spat and stared at me.

"Is not" I teased.

"It is" he retorted. 

"Not." I said just as quickly.

His hand slammed beside my face and his brows furrowed, "You have no idea who I am-"

I interrupted with a smile on my face,
"Was that supposed to scare me," I pointed at his hand next to my face and then grabbed his tie, and pulled him closer, "I don't really care who you are, resolve the issues you have going on inside your head before you talk about my brother the way you just did. I now understand why he doesn't hang around with losers like you." 

I let go of his tie pushing him away from me and walked away, not really knowing where I was going but I just kept walking.

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