Chapter 7 part 2

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{Elizabeth's POV}
Harry and I walked back and through the court yard.
All of the sudden, people were pointing behind me but above and I heard screams and yells. Harry and I turned around in unison.
There was someone falling from the astronomy tower, 

"Who is that?!" Harry squinted and then realized, "omg." 

"DRACO!" I screamed realizing at the same time and ran towards the tower, just under where he was going to land and with all my power screamed, 

"WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" Hoping I was strong enough to stop gravity from pulling him down. All around me people gathered, just watching. Not even bothering to lend a hand. Gravity put up a strong fight, I was grunting and I felt the strain on my whole body, my arm began to lower from the pressure.I tried my best to slowly bring him to the ground. But I wasn't strong enough to keep going, there was still a long way down...they saw me struggle yet nobody helped. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Harry ran next to me and put his other hand on my shoulder. 

"Thank you," I huffed out of breath. We managed to carefully place him on the ground, I immediately dropped my wand and ran to him.
{Draco's POV}
My eyes slowly opened, and above me I saw the ceiling of the hospital wing. This is not where I imagined to go in afterlife. I sat up only to see I was still here. Elizabeth was sleeping on a chair right next to my cot with her hand on mine. I stared at our hands for a while. I didn't really know what to do, what had even happened? All I remembered was feeling the wind and then nothing. I looked outside of the window and saw it was dark. I moved my hand that was under Elizabeth's and rubbed my eyes. Why was it so hard to escape death. The whole idea of it. I stood up and put my shoes on which were beside the cot. 

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth said in a drowsy voice. 

I turned back and just stared at her. She got up and pushed me back to sit on the cot. 

"You're not going anywhere. Lay down and rest. Your body went into shock during the fall. Give it time to rest." She fluffed the pillow and then sat back down yawning.  

I laid down and it was silent for a while. 

I looked up at the ceiling, "H-How did am I here." 

"Levitation charm," she mumbled. 

"Was it Snape?" I assumed, probably wanted to keep me alive to carry out the plan. 

" was me actually, with a bit of help from Harry. I saw you and it was just instinct."
{Elizabeth's POV}
He stared at me for a while, the moon lit up his face. 

"Instinct..." he whispered and then shut his eyes.
His eyes then shot open,
"Did you say Harry helped you?" He asked surprised


"Are you mad at sound annoyed." 

I sighed, "Of course I'm annoyed Draco! Why would you do that? To your parents! Your family! To your friends! Why? You don't quite don't do that kind of thing. What's going on?" 

"Do you even care.." he closed his eyes again. 

"Do I even care! Did I not just save your life. You don't understand how disturbing that was to see. And not only that, how hard it was to try to keep you from hitting the ground! I put tremendous strain on my whole yes Draco I do care!" I felt tears in my eyes and tried to stop them from falling out. 

"Well I'm sorry for thinking you didn't! You haven't looked at me in months. You haven't talked to me, smiled at me, for Merlins sake you haven't even laughed at me! You know- never mind," he turned his body away from me so I was facing his back. 

"Oh no no no," I turned him towards me, " I know what huh? What did you want me to do Draco. You hurt me! I did not hurt you. Sometimes you seem to forget that the words you use to hide your true feelings can hurt other people. Your words are sharp knives Draco. And they cut right through me. So I stopped talking to you yes, I stopped everything because what you said hurt me. I make no apologizes for stopping, it was you who forced me to!"

All of the sudden his face changed, he looked the boy I remember in the bathroom on my first days here. 

"You know I'm alone." He mumbled.


"You left me alone! The letter, me keeping it, it was a plead for you to stay with me. I kept it right here," he pointed to his heart, "right here! I don't know how to talk to people, you knew that! I don't know how to handle feelings you knew that too! I felt terrible, I feel terrible for what I said but none of it was true Elizabeth. You aren't an object to me, you aren't some other girl. You're you. I didn't want Pansy, I wanted you! It'll always be you. I realized that after. I have no idea how you got me to bloody like you so much, it made me angry alright. And then you went off with Louis, looking as happy as ever. He's not even a true descendant from slytherin I'll have you know! I have no idea what his scheme is, probably pity! But that hurt me! You said you understood my feelings, the panic attack, the defense mechanic or whatever it's bloody called," 

"Mechanism," I mumbled and he paused. 

"Yes understood me. Yet you left. You were supposed to stay, you were supposed to realize I was asking you to stay! But you didn't and then everything went down hill from there." He sighed and then covered his face with the pillow and screamed into it. 

I had no idea how to react to that. Or what to say. I was so confused. 

"I'm sorry. I should've realized," I said and took the pillow off of his face. Noticing the tears in his eyes. 

"So why did you do it Draco. Just because I left you alone? You could've just talked to me.." I told him. 

"That's not why. But I can't tell you." 

"Well you're going to have to. I'm staying now remember," I smiled and wiped a tear off his cheek but he flinched again. 

"Draco...why do you do that. Has someone hurt you?" 

He stayed silent for a while before answering, "My father...he has control over me."

And then I put two and two together, "Did he tell you to hex me?" 

"Yes. But the order came from someone worse. He told him too," he closed his eyes like he was in pain. By now I knew exactly what people meant when they said he. I froze in my chair.
Draco continued but didn't look at me, "He was at my house waiting for me with my parents. He's back. He's including me in his plans and assigned me a crucial part. I must kill Headmaster Dumbledore. On January 2nd. With Snape and my aunt Bellatrix. The worst part is my parents have let him involve me."
{Draco's POV}
Elizabeth's face was filled with fear, something I have never seen on her before.
I continued, "There's no way out...My father said if I fail he'll kill me and Dumbledore. I'm trapped." 

She let out a breathe she had been holding in and looked at me in the eyes, it was like her emotions transferred to me. 

"You are not trapped and you are not alone in this. We will figure out a plan alright. Harry, Hermoine, and Ron will help us. I'm sure Louis and Luna as well, even if you say Louis is lying I do believe he is a good person. I'm not letting you die, and I'm not letting Voldemort win." 

Although the circumstances were terrible, what she said made me smile, nobody has told me I wasn't alone. But her plan was flawed, 

"What makes you think they would want to help me. I've been nothing but rude to them."  

"I'll convince them don't worry about it, now just go to sleep and we can worry about it all tomorrow, we still have a few days." She said. I stared at her, she had a smile on her face. How was she so strong. She managed to smile when learning the villain in her life has returned for more. Her bravery inspired me and filled me with comfort. I closed my eyes and drifted off, the first night I have gone to sleep with no worries in my mind but just hope.

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