Chapter 21

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A year later

{Harry's POV}

Dearest Sister,
Today is exactly a year since you died and came back as someone else. Although I've been writing you everyday and you'd think I would grow to accept this change, I still cannot. Today is especially harder. Hermione told me letters will help me with my thoughts and to feel better, if anything it makes me miss you more because I always seem to except a letter back. It's stupid really.
Unlike me, many have seemed to accept your absence. It pains me. To just walk around the halls or walk past your common room and not feel you near. I don't feel you at all anymore. I've never felt less alone. My friends have of course given me more strength and I cannot imagine myself here without them by my side but when I found out I had a sister, and actually got to meet her and grow to love her, I had never been happier. And now that's gone and I can't seem to adjust without it, without you. I know you're happy, and I know you have your own life but what about this life. You left your old one, you left behind everything because you had the chance to meet me and get to know our parents as well as the chance to know who you really are, and then you chose to forget it all? I have a hard time believing people when they say it was all your decision. At first it made sense to me but over the year I cannot accept that.
About Draco...because I know if you were ever to write back you would ask about him...well I can't give you a clear answer. Nobody talks to him now. And I promise you I've tried. A few weeks after it all happened he seemed to confide in us more, especially Luna and I but I think that seeing us happy in our own relationships made him feel worse.
He slowly started to distance himself and then he just grew cold. Nobody sees him, and sometimes I go to check on him with my cloak on but I never find him in his room. It's like he disappears.
He doesn't even take the time to make snarky remarks or tease people. He only comes to breakfast with his head low. He doesn't even have dinner in the Great Hall, he eats alone. And it pains me, because I wish I could help him some way but I don't know how to anymore. You were the only person to ever get through to him entirely.
Anyway my time at Hogwarts is almost over but I don't want to leave. It reminds me of you and it makes me feel closer to you...I don't know what to do after this.
I miss you and I hope that one day we will meet again.
With all my love,
I folded the letter into an envelope and put a stamp on it. I grabbed my cloak and went down the slytherin common room. I got up to Elizabeth's dorm, which has been unoccupied since she left because I asked them to leave it alone, and I slid the letter under the door.

I sighed and started to walk down the stairs when I saw Draco. He walked down the stairs with a blank expression on his face as always.
Maybe I should follow him. But he deserves privacy. Then again Elizabeth would want me to make sure he's alright. If I follow him and figure out where he disappears off to maybe I can help him. Or at least have some sort of explanation for all this.

I decided to follow him, we went out to the courtyard where he bent down beside a bush and pulled out his flying broomstick. I assume he hides it there so he isn't seen carrying it out of his room everyday. But where does he use it to get to? The problem is how am I going to follow him if he is going to fly. I don't think my cloak is large enough to cover me while covering a broomstick as well but I had to try.
I quickly ran and got my broomstick and instead of sitting up on it I hunched over it, covering myself and the broomstick well. Great now I just can't let myself fall. I flew back to the courtyard and managed to catch up to Draco right as he flew off.
I kept my distance and a few minutes into the ride I realized where we were going.
Hampstead. Hermione's hometown. Elizabeth's "home".
I knew of this route because I myself have gone once to see how she was doing. But if Draco is always disappearing then that means he goes to see her almost every day. He's torturing himself.
We got to the town and Draco landed in alleyway and hid his broomstick behind a garbage can. I waiting for him to ahead a bit before landing and hid mine behind a different garbage can.
I slowly followed him and watched as he walked to the cafe where Elizabeth still works.
{Draco's POV}
There she was. Looking as beautiful as always. I got closer to the window still staying as hidden as I could and watched her as she sat down at a table. The same table she sits at with the same boy she is always with. Even though it hurts me to see her with another man, I can't do anything about it. She looks happy at least.
Then she leaned in to kiss him and I turned away. I closed my eyes and tried to shut that image out of my mind.
At least she's happy.
I repeated in my head. Then I heard a sniffle right next to me. Except nobody was around me except for the people walking by. But this sounded so close to me. And then I heard it again.
I opened my eyes and froze there for a while. I felt a presence next to me. And then I realized. I should've realized it sooner. I turned to my left and then put my hand out, to normal people it looked as though I was grasping air. I grabbed something and pulled it down.

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