Chapter 12

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{Draco's POV}
It's been a day since they left and I start to feel lonely every now and then but I just keep reminding myself that I chose this. And it's something that isn't selfish...which is something I normally don't do. I've been staying in Elizabeth's room using the cloak of invisibility Harry left for me after taking it back from Elizabeth. At times like this I am so glad she doesn't have a roommate.
I was laying on her bed reading her diary...I got bored, when all of the sudden the door knob on the door began to shake as if someone was trying to get in. I shoved the diary back under the pillow and covered myself with the cloak.
"Honestly who doesn't think of putting a protection spell on their door. She's honestly so stupid I don't understand what he sees in her. Anyway I know it's around here somewhere, I always see her writing in it when she's in the common room." Pansy said to a fellow slytherin girl that I honestly don't know the name of. What was she looking for? Oh no.
"Found it! And it's unlocked! Now we can make her so embarrassed that nobody wants her...especially Draco. What's it's a little picture of her and her wretched family!" Pansy said handing the diary to her friend and then picking of the picture Elizabeth loves dearly.
I uncovered myself and locked the door, then turned around and held my wand out.
"Now many people have to tell you that jealously is a terrible look on you!" I smiled.
"Petrificus Totalus!" I said pointing my wand to her friend who then fell like a plank of wood on the ground.
Pansy jumped back and let go of the picture grabbing her wand,
"What on earth are you doing in here! It's not allowed!" Her stance was hesitant and I knew this would be easy so I had my fun.
"It's not allowed," I mimicked her, "Okay and what exactly is your point. You're not allowed to be in here either, isn't a rule not to go into someone else's dormitory without their consent? Oh Pansy,Pansy, Pansy, not only did you break that rule but you're trying to steal things as well! Is it so heartbreaking that I rejected you, honestly I'm flattered...but this is just sad." I laughed and moved closer to her, putting my chest right up against the end of her wand.
"I'll do it!" She straightened herself up.
"You would hurt me?" I put my hand on her cheek and made a puppy dog face. It caught her off guard and I snatched the wand from her hand.
Laughing I said, "Wow that really was too easy! I didn't even have to use magic, just my good old natural charm! Thank you honestly I really needed that. She was about to say something but I put my wand against her lips,
"Oh no no Pansy! Why do you keep trying! Now I really didn't want to do this but you've left me no choice! You've seen me in here and you might go blabbing around with that big mouth of yours. I'm going to have to erase this moment." I grinned.
"No! I won't speak a word of this!" She begged.
"Ughhh fine! Only because I sympathize for you..." I turned around still smirking.
"Thank yo-" she managed to let out before I turned around quickly and said,
"Obliviate!" And laughed, "Okay honestly it was your fault for thinking I would every sympathize with you."
I guided her out of the room and down the stairs and then went back to that poor girl on the floor and knelt beside her.
"Honestly I don't know you... so I don't really feel totally bad for having to erase your memory. Wrong place at the wrong time honestly. Poor you...Obliviate!" I said and then took her down to the common room with Pansy making sure to lock the door of Elizabeth's room before I left.
{later in the dungeons}
"Alright....later today some of the deatheaters along with bellatrix will go to the first location you gave us...let's see if you're of us." Snape said to me.
"I'd like to go. Before you say no, I could be used as a distraction and make it easier to bring them in." I told him.
"I suppose... it wouldn't be a terrible idea. Fine. Meet bellatrix in Borgin and Burkes around noon, I'll tell the rest of the teachers you were wanted by your parents." He said and then dismissed me.
{Elizabeth's POV}
After we finished eating we went off to our first location. The house of Sirius Black. We went through all the rooms when we got there, but it was hard to focus with the eerie feelings surrounding us. Soon we learned, with the help of a house elf, that the locket was in the possession of Umbridge, who worked at the ministry of magic. Now we just had figure out how to get in. Hermione being the genius she is had the brilliant idea of us disguising ourselves as workers there and then stealing it from her. So we left to the outside of the ministry of magic. We trapped four people and now we had to decide who we were.
"Well there's only one girl." Hermione said.
"That's fine I'll just be a man I guess," I laughed.
We stole their clothes and then took the potion Hermione made.
"Honestly I'm really handsome," I said looking at my reflection in the a mirror Hermione had.
We made our way inside, as unsuspicious as we could, only to be from Ron and then stuck in a elevator with Umbridge herself. With the locket around her neck. Great.
"Albert aren't you getting out?" She said to Harry.
"Oh yes." He walked out the elevator.
And then she turned to me, "Adam? Good I'll need you to clean the courtroom before we begin the interrogation."
Great I'm a janitor, "Yes ma'am," I said in my best manly voice. And as it turned out Hermione was an assistant for Umbridge. At least we didn't get separated like Ron and Harry. Hopefully they'd reunite with us soon.
We went into the courtroom and I found a random mop and bucket and began cleaning, staring at the locket on her neck. The interrogation began. Then Harry and Ron walked in, or should I say Albert and Reg. Harry made it look like he brought Ron...Reg, here for his wife's trial and pushed him into the center of the courtroom.
"Thank you Albert," Umbridge said and then continued the interrogation.
Harry began to get closer to Umbridge and then revealed his wand.
"What on earth are you doing Albert?" She asked him.
Oh no. I grabbed my wand for precaution and put the mop down slowly.
"You're lying Dolores, and one mustn't tell lies...STUPEFY!" He yelled and knocked Umbridge out. Hermione snatched the locket off of her neck and Ron took out an official that got his wand out. We all ran to the elevator but the deatheaters were gaining on us and I stopped in my tracks and turned around.
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" And they all went flying back. I then ran and joined them in the elevator.
"Nice job Elizabeth!" Harry said hastily and pressed a button on the elevator. We finally got to the bottom floor and ran out of the elevator.
Harry made a punch of papers fly everywhere to stop the people chasing us, we all ran to the floo networks running in one by one. Hermione first and then me, followed by Harry and Ron who barely made it in.
All is the sudden we dropped into a forest.
"Ow!" I yelled as Harry fell right on top of me.
"Sorry! I can't choose where I land really!" He got up and helped me up. We both looked at Ron who was seriously injured with a wound on his shoulder. But Hermione was already healing it with some concoction she had in her bag. Ron sat up and Harry helped him up,
"C'mon I think I see a little lake over there we can wash you up a bit," Harry told him and they walked to the body of water together.
Hermione and I stayed behind and made sure we weren't followed. Then we heard Ron and Harry arguing, we went over only to find them Harry completely soaked with a sword in his hand.
"Merlins beard is that Godric Gryffindors sword Harry?" She asked him.
"Ya is that Godrics sword?" I asked not even knowing how Godric is but I wanted to be included.
"Yes it was at the bottom of the lake! But Ron over here is being a scaredy cat and doesn't want to help me destroy the Horcux. I realized we could use it because it has basilisk venom on it which destroyed Riddles diary! Ron won't do it! He doesn't think he can do it, I can't do it because I have to open the locket!" Harry said annoyed.
"Oh just give it to me! You boys can't do anything without the help of a women can you!" I laughed and took the sword from here and places the locket on a log.
"Okay it's going to open and when it does it's going to do everything it can to stop you, it can make you see things..but it's not real alright it's not real!" He said very cautious.
"Alright Alright...not real got it. Hurry so we could get out of here it's creepy!" I said to him. Hermione and Ron stood back and Harry began speaking in parseltongue.
The locket opened making us go flying back. I got up quickly only to see something. I saw Draco. With his father and mother. His father slapped Draco across his face while his mother stood by.
"NO!" I yelled.
Draco tried to hit back but his father caught his hand and punched him in the gut. I flinched and while by eyes closed I's not real.
"Ohhh you little bitch voldy you thought you could trick me!" I ran up to the log and hit the locket as hard as I could with the sword. All of the black smoke disappeared and the locket was broken.
"Elizabeth what did you see? I've never heard you curse like that...or say his name like that.." Harry smiled but with concern on his face.
"I'm not answering that, and I don't know why I said his name like that it just came out...anyway let's go-" I was interrupted by a strange laugh. It sounded sort of like a hyena and a clown. We all froze.

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