Chapter 4 part 2

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I followed Harry, who had yet to realize it. Harry was slowly walking into the boys restroom. I made sure nobody saw me before I followed him inside. I walked in and Harry was standing in the shadows still unaware I was behind him. He was watching Draco who was hunched over a sink, breathing rapidly and whimpering. There's was surprising to see. All of the sudden Harry comes out of the shadows with his wand raised and aimed towards Draco,

"I know what you did Malfoy, you hexed her didn't you." he said.

Draco turned around shocked he wasn't alone. Draco raised his wand but don't fast enough to defend himself against a charm that Harry sent flying at Draco. It skimmed Draco's cheek making him wince and step back. He was clearly not in the right state of mind to fight. But Harry persisted, 

"Why did you do it?!" His arm began to wind back ready to cast another spell

"EXPELLIARMUS" I said without even thinking. Harry's wand went flying and I ran to catch it. Harry stood there shocked. 

"You shouldn't have taught me it if you didn't expect me to use it!" I told him.

"I did expect you to use it BUT AT THE RIGHT TIME!!" He yelled. Before I could respond I saw Draco staring at his wand which he dropped when Harry hit him.

"Accio!" And his wand came into my hand. 

"Ya that's right, I remembered that one too." I smiled but then remembered this was serious. Oops. 

"Elizabeth give me back my wand right now, you don't understand he hexed her! He shouldn't get away with it!" He put his hand out and came towards me. 

"No! Stay right there," I put his wand behind my back, "he obviously did not want to do it can't you see that! He was having a panic attack, he only raised his wand in defense because you startled him! You should've understood that of all people Harry! I'll give you your wand if you leave him alone and return to dinner," I waited for his response as he considered. 

"Fine! But he deserved that!" Pointing to the blood coming down Draco's cheek. He took his wand back and left the restroom with an angry face. 

"Now give me mine you little witch!" Draco said spitefully, "I didn't need your help and you aren't even supposed to be in here, I could have you expelled!" He continued. 

"Wowww. That's a weird way to say thanks, do you even know what he was about to hit you with. For all I know, you could've ended up on the floor bleeding out! Now, are you alright?" I put my wand away and handed him his back. 

"It doesn't even hurt I'm not a wimp!" He took the wand back, skeptical of why I would give it back so easily. 

"I wasn't talking about your physical wound Draco. Gosh it's like nobody's asked you that before," I laughed. But he stood there with a blank face. 

"Wait, really? Nobody's has ever asked how you are doing?" My eyes widened. 

"Don't you see? Are you blind? Everyone hates me! Why would they ask me, they all either fear me or hate me!" He said as he washed the blood off his cheek. 

"Well you can't blame them, you are quite the bully. But I think that's just a defense mechanism." 

"You think I spelled myself so I could be mean on purpose?" He asked with confusion.  

I laughed, " No..a defense mechanism in the muggle world, don't get all offended because I said muggle now, anyway it's like an automatic reaction to certain situations that bring you feelings you don't like. In your case probably embarrassment and anxiety. Seeing as you just had a panic attack." 

"No! You're wrong!" He retorted. 

"You're just proving me right buddy," I smiled and handed him a towel for the wound on his cheek. 

"Am not!" then he paused an realized I was right. 

"It's okay to admit it Draco, I'm not judging you, people who go through traumatic things usually develop these things you have. It's normal. You shouldn't be ashamed. You can talk to me, you're probably so mean because you shove your feelings to the back of your mind never letting them escape," I leaned on the wall and waiting for him to open up. 

Though part of me expected him not to because it's Draco we are talking about here. He seemed hesitant but to my surprise he spoke,
"I didn't mean to hex her, the necklace was for someone else. Though I'm really glad the person it was meant for didn't get hexed, I really didn't want to do it." He paused and looked up at me when said that. As if he were talking about me. Wait. 

"You were going to hex me?!" I said standing up straight. 

"I-I just said I didn't want to. You told me to say what I was thinking! You can't get mad! And it didn't even happen, you should be grateful!" He defended himself. 

"Really! Grateful that I was supposed to get hexed but didn't! I can't believe you! That poor girl, how did she even get a hold of it? Never mind that, why would you try doing that to me?!" I yelled. 

"I placed it in the room I thought was yours, I must have been mistaken! Please, I didn't want to do it I had no choice! You have to believe me!" He put his hand on my shoulder but I pushed it away. And started walking out of the restroom. 

"Don't walk away from me you bloody little witch!" He yelled before I could leave. 

I turned around,
"YOU KEEP SAYING WITCH LIKE ITS AN INSULT, THAT IS QUITE LITERALLY WHAT I AM YOU LITTLE COCKROACH!" I yelled before leaving and slamming the door behind me. Some boys in the hall watched me leave the bathroom and stared at me. 

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT," i didn't even realize I was yelling. 

"Elizabeth! Keep your voice down!" Harry said getting up from sitting beside the entrance to the bathroom, I guess he never went back. 

"SORRY! I mean Sorry! Sorry." I tried to calm myself down. 

"I can't believe he was going to hex you, we have to figure out who forced him to do so. And I'm sorry that I hit him instead of using my words, you're right I should've known better," he hugged me and had a small smile on his face. 

"You heard all that?" I asked 

"Ya I was ease dropping, sorry. How do know so much about people's feelings and behaviors? Are you like a mind reader or something?" 

I laughed, "Our Aunt, the one that took me in, she was a psychologist. She helps people who have mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. She helps them understand what they feel by studying their behavior. I loved to hear about her work over the years and learned a couple things. Anyway let's go eat, I'm famished!" 

We walked into the Great Hall and finally had our dinner.
Decided to post it, but I think most of you readers might be asleep, that's alright you'll have a nice chapter to read when you wake up! This is probably my favorite chapter so far, I had fun writing it!! Hope you enjoy <3 (I'll try to write another chapter tomorrow)

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