Chapter 20

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{Draco's POV}

I stared down at the note in my hand, the note she once wrote so long ago. 

      Little Cockroach,



After she ripped it to pieces and threw them at me I put it back together the best I could. You could still see the lines from where the paper was separated but at least I still had the note. My fingers passed over her writing. I never thought I would feel this way because I loved someone. I let myself fall for her and now she isn't here. What am I supposed to do now that she isn't by my side? 

I went down for breakfast and sat where we used to, this time by myself. I felt the eyes of everyone from my house on me. Pansy walked up and sat down next to me. One might think she would be offering her condolences but I know better. 

"Hello Draco, you look...I can't even lie to look terrible," She laughed as she bit into an apple. 

"And even at my worse I look better than you. Leave me alone," I sighed and played with my breakfast. 

"Ouch. Don't worry I won't take that personally I understand, you're quite vulnerable right now. But you shouldn't be so mean to me, I'm afraid Blaise would get angry," she smirked. 

"Zabini? With you? I have to say I am shocked he must be getting desperate, either way do you think I care that Zabini might have a hissy fit if I'm mean to you? I could care less. He knows better than that as well," I spat. 

"Well let's see about that," she smiled as Zabini sat across from us, "Darling, Draco is being quite rude to me...It's making me sad," she pouted. 

Blaise stared at me for a while and muttered, "Knock it off Malfoy."

"Excuse me? Care to say it a bit louder Zabini?" I scoffed

"It's nothing serious just don't be rude," he told me.

"I can be whatever I want to be .You're dating Pansy...good for you but that isn't something that should boost your confidence if anything you should be rather embarrassed that its come to this. I suggest you get off whatever high horse you think you're on before-" 

Zabini cut me off before I could I finish my sentence saying, "Before what Draco? Before you go run to daddy to come protect you? Don't you think that's getting a bit old?" he laughed.

I laughed, but everyone around us stayed silent. 

"I was going to say, before I kill you. Just like I killed my father," I said as I stood up.

Zabini laughed but everyone else stayed silent, even the other tables. I'm guessing they knew what I did, except for Zabini. 

"That's real funny Draco, you would never do that," He smiled but it faded when Pansy hushed him. 

I took my wand out and pointed it to his face, "Would you like me to demonstrate?"

Zabini put his hands up and backed up but fell off of the chair, "I'm sorry! I believe you!" he whimpered. 

I smirked, it felt good to instill fear again.

"Malfoy lower your wand," Snape said as he stood behind me. 

"Why should I listen to you, I should be pointed my wand at you. You said you were on our side all along that you were just gathering information but you couldn't gather the most crucial part..that he was going to take her. I should kill you as well," I said as my blood felt as if it were boiling.

"Even if you killed me you would be sent to Azakaban, you were pardoned from using the spell on your aunt and father but that would not be the case this time. Lower your wand now!" He yelled.

Harry ran next to me and whispered, "Draco c'mon lower your wand, you need to calm down."

"Calm down? I will never be bloody calm again, not without her with me. I might as well do what I want now," I smirked as I watched Zabini's face fill with more fear.

And then a soft voice next to me spoke, "I don't think she would like this, Do you?"

I looked to my left to see Luna smiling up at me. 

She put her hand on my arm and lowered my wand, "Let's go and visit the Thestrals, they always calm me," she smiled.

I nodded realizing she was right, if Elizabeth had seen what I just did she would be so angry with me. We walked out of the Great Hall and I followed her.

"What are Thestrals?" I asked.

"They are like a winged horse but look more like a reptile. They don't get much attention because they can only be seen by those who have witnessed death. They are quite beautiful to me," she smiled and we went out into the forest.

We walked for a bit until we saw a huge ugly skeleton creature and I jumped back. 

"Don't worry they won't hurt you," she said as she walked up to it and stroked its head. 

"Luna...I'm sorry but you are mental if you think they won't hurt me! They look like they will tear me into bloody shreds!" I said as a stood behind her. 

She giggled, "They just look a bit different nothing's wrong with that. Just pet them, I promise you they won't hurt you if one does then I owe you a basket of pumpkin pasties," she smiled. 

"Not just one basket, three!" I said as I slowly put my hand out. I touched it and the creature seemed to like it, it started to lean towards me and nudge me to pet it more. 

"I think it likes me!" I laughed. 

"You should get on it, they could take us on a ride," she said as she got on top of one. 

I got on top of one and held on tight as we flew up bursting through the branches and up into the sky. The air hitting against my face felt so refreshing I couldn't help but smile with joy. We flew over the water, and I leaned down so my finger tips touched the water. I looked over at Luna and she was letting the wind hit her face as she had both hands up into the air. I did the same thing and laughed as I almost fell off. 

We eventually landed back down and we both got off of the thestrals. 

"That was amazing!" I said as I petted the thestrals head. 

"I'm glad you thought so," She smiled and we made our way back to the school.

"Thank you Luna. I really needed that. You were right she wouldn't have liked how I was acting, thank you for reminding me of that. It's been difficult without her here. I feel like I'm just going to end up the same way I was before," I sighed

"You're welcome. I think you'll be fine. You just need to adjust..we all do. You should lean on others more Draco, that doesn't mean you're replacing her it means your just doing what she always wanted you to do. I am sure she would love to see you trusting other people ," she smiled.

"I suppose you're right. I just wish I could see her again. Anyway enough about me and my troubles, how are you and Neville?" I asked her. 

She blushed and looked away, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't be coy!" I teased her, "Neville told me all about how fond he is of you, I know about the picnic," I laughed

"He told you! Did you give him the idea? I didn't think he could come up with something like that," She smiled.

"No, No. He had the idea, he just needed someone to push him to do it that's all I helped with!" I laughed, "So that means you liked it? When will the honeymoon be?"

"Draco! I am far too young to be discussing this! I like him that's all," She blushed again.

"Alright Alright!" I laughed and she joined me. 

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