Chapter 14

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We were all eating and enjoying a nice evening when Draco had to ruin it.
"I wanted to let you all know that I'm going to go back to Hogwarts. Snape sent me on the mission, even though my mother eraser Bellatrix and my fathers memory of it all, Snape still knows we went. He'll get curious and ask Bellatrix, Bellatrix will ask what in the world he is talking about, and then Snape will know something happened. I need to go back and tell him we lost track of you all," he wiped his mouth a napkin and stood up.

Everyone looked at one another, he actually made sense but he had just gotten back to us.
"I'm going with you. Before there are any objections... there really is no need for me I mean there's literally two of me," I pointed to Harry and continued,"You guys will take Harry and I will be with Draco. It's quite perfect actually," I smiled.

"Although it sounds good, you can't go back to Hogwarts Elizabeth...You literally attacked Snape who knows what he will do. And it's not safe. You won't go I'm sorry." Harry said and continued to eat.

"Well I wasn't really asking for permission. I was merely letting you know. You all made a plan without me and now I've made one without you. I am perfectly capable of protecting  myself thank you very much and I won't be seen I'm just going to be there for support. I'll use the cloak if it makes you feel better...and I won't pull it off this time," I laughed a bit but nobody found it funny...except Draco he smiled a bit.

"Well you've already made your mind up I guess..there's no point in stopping you," Harry sighed, "just promise to stay hidden and do not pull the bloody cloak off alright! It'd still like to have a sister by the end of all this even if you are a pain! We will see you soon alright..on the night before January 2nd we'll be there. And we fight, you should try to train some others to help us, I think we'll need all the help we can get." Harry got up and hugged me.

Draco and I said goodbye to everyone and we went off to Hogwarts. Using apparition we got there quickly, Draco gave me the cloak of invisibility that he'd been using to get into my room since I left, how sweet. I just hope he didn't go through my things.  The first place we went was to Snape.

"You've come back quite late," Snape said staring at Draco.
"Yes there were complications," Draco said walking up to Snape.
"Complication?" Snape stood up.
"Yes...we went to the Forest of Dean and they weren't there. It seems they had decided to go to the Ministry instead, Umbridge reported to Bellatrix that they stole to Horocrux and got away. We have no idea where they are now. I'll try my best to recall any of their conversations and see if they might hint to where they could be." Draco told Snape convincingly.
He's pretty good at lying...he better not try that with me.

"I see...the Darklord will be very disappointed. Even more so if he finds out you're hiding something," Snape leaning close to Draco and analyzed him. But Draco kept his composure.

"I've told you what happened if you wish to question me you are questioning Bellatrix as well for she sent me here to tell you, and you will have to deal with her not I." Draco quickly snapped back.

Snape stared at him for a while longer and then leaned away, "I suppose you're right, I do not want to deal with that may go but come back tomorrow in the morning there is something you must know," he gestured for Draco to leave and we both left.

We went to his dormitory and I took the cloak off."Wow...that was close. How do you lie so well?"
I asked him.
"Years of practice. Anyway we have free time what do you want to do?" He laid on his bed.

"Well there's not much to do, I can't be seen remember..." I sat down on the bed.

Draco laughed at me but I didn't see what was funny.
"Why are you laughing? Are you laughing at me?" I asked him smiling.

"Yes because that's not what I meant when I said what do you want to do. I had other things in mind." He sat up.

"Well you could've just said that there was no need to-"
I was interrupted by his lips colliding with mine. It felt as though I sunk into him, remembering the feeling again. He put one hand on my back and the other in my hair. He slowly, without takes his lips off him, laid me down and kisses me even more passionately before. He leaned up and pulled off his shirt in one movement. I stared at his body, mesmerizing by something I never saw before. He smirked and continued, my fingers clung to his hair and my other hand gently went down his back. He slowly moved down, kissing my cheek, right below my ear, my neck, and my chest ever so gently, I felt tingles run down my neck. He took my shirt off and continued down my stomach. He put his fingers on the button of my pants and looked back at me,

"May I?" He smiled.

"Of cou-" I was interrupted by a knock at the door. We both froze and stared at the door, the door knob rattled.

"Dracoooo I know your in there, in need some advice!! I know we aren't very good friends but you know Harry isn't here, Ron isn't here, Hermione isn't here. Please?" The voice said.

"Who in the bloody hell is that?!" Draco whispered to me.
"I think that's Neville," I laughed, "be nice!"

Draco rolled his eyes and got up while putting his shirt back on, before he opened the door he threw the cloak to me and I covered myself on the bed.

"What is it Neville?" Draco asked after opening the door.

"Oh were you asleep...sorry." Neville said peering over his shoulder at his bed and then let himself inside and sat almost right on me. I quickly dodged him but fell on the floor.

"What was that?" Neville said and peered over the bed.

"I don't know but can you speed this up I would like to go back what I was doing...sleeping you know." Draco said as he sat on the bed beside Neville.

"Sorry's just...I feel weird talking to you maybe I should just wait for still scare me a bit." Neville let out.

"Oh bloody hell just tell me, obviously it's troubling you mate!" Draco said a bit annoyed.

"Well it's just I really like Luna. But I fear she doesn't like me that way. It's hard to read her expressions she's always so calm I can never tell if she's just trying to be nice or if it's genuine! Plus I think she might like Harry...I can't compete with him!" Neville leaned back on the bed in exhaustion.

"Well um. If she did like Harry...well she can't because she knows Ginny likes Harry I'm sure there's like a girl rule about that. Either way don't be so down on yourself you can definitely get with just have to be confident. Do something really sweet for her I'm sure she'd love it..go see some mystical creatures and make a little picnic there she'd love that!" Draco told him.

"Really?! You really think she could like me!" Neville sat up with excitement.

"Of course mate just be yourself Luna is a kind person either way she won't make you feel bad," Draco patted him on his shoulder.

"Alright! Thank you Draco! I'll take her on that picnic just like you said! She'll love it she absolutely will!" Neville embraced Draco and then ran out of the door.

"Did he just hug me? When did I say he could hug me." Draco said a loud.

I got up from the floor and took the cloak off laughing, "Its called friendship Draco, he appreciated your help so he hugged you like a friend would do," I sat on the bed, "Anyway that was a good idea, the picnic date...but why don't you ever take me on things like that! I always thought you were just not creative!" I laughed and laid down.

He laid beside me and played with my hairs.
"Well everything has been quite chaotic for us hasn't it, I never thought of it I'm sorry. But I'll make it up to you once this is all over. I'll take you somewhere amazing, maybe to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and then we could go on a gondola ride in Italy, from there we could just continue to travel and travel until we've been all around the globe together." He smiled.

"Hmmm that does sound nice I'll have to take you up on that later, and for now?" I looked up at him.

"For now.." he got on top of me and pulled his shirt off again, "We'll continue." He smiled and kissed me.

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