Chapter 9

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"So  I gathered several potion, charm, and history textbooks to help us research. Harry and Ron will do potions, Hermoine and I will do charms, and Luna and Draco will do history" I laid out books on the library table.
"How exactly will history books help us?" Draco asked picking one up and dropping it.
"Obviously by reading previous duels and the last wizard of war!! Do you ever use your brain?" Hermoine rolled her eyes.
"Hermoineeee it's not worth it, we need to work together!" Ron sighed and told her.
She sighed and grabbed a charms book and began reading. Everyone followed.
We spent hours and hours digging through several books and writing down whatever we felt was useful.
"Done! I went through all the books I was given." Hermoine smiled.
I finished my book a few moments after. Soon everyone was done and we all put our notes I front of us.
"Okay so I found the spell Petrificus Totalus, it temporary paralyzes the opponents, I also found bombarda which is a explosive spell. Those are the most interesting ones I found." I put my notes down and then Hermoine spoke,
"Yes those sound useful. I found the..well I already knew it before but it's called immobulus, it's a freezing spell kind of like the one you just mentioned," she looked down and her notes.
Draco and I looked at each other right after she said immobulus, both remembering where we heard that incantation before. I felt my body shivered and I looked down. He got up and sat next to me and started playing with my fingers. Which made me smile. The others all shared looks of confusion and disgust but then went back to normal. Well Luna didn't find it odd she actually smiled at me.
"I also found Protego which is a shield charm. That's definitely be useful. Harry you're next," Hermoine put her notes down.
"Well as you all already know, except you Draco, I found the book of the half blood prince so we basically are set with that. There's sectumsempra, I'm not sure what it does though.." Harry admitted.
"What?! You were going to hit me with it yet you had no idea what it could've done! Are you mental?" Draco sat up and looked at Harry.
"Well that's why did it...duh. I wanted to see what it would do.."
"You are mental!!! I'm not a bloody guinea pig!
What if you killed could've killed me!!" He got up.
"Well then Elizabeth saved you're life twice. Anyway I was thinking we could definitely use the patronus charm to help against dementors. I could teach you all how to use it. We could start tomorrow or even today."
We all agreed to start tomorrow after dinner and classes end. Then we went over all the other things we found and knew from memory.
{The next day after classes and dinner ended}
(In the secret room: room of requirement)
"How did you find this place Harry?" I asked him.
"Neville actually found it," Harry said and Neville came out from around the corner.
"Well thank you for joining," I smiled at Neville and Draco looked at me angrily. I just nudged him and laughed.
"Okay let's get to work, this is an extremely difficult charm and you probably won't get it your first time but that's normal. You have to thing about the most positive moments in your life. Something that makes you so incredibly happy. Something that gives you hope. You need to think positively. It needs to be powerful! Alright now watch me. You take your wand out..stand like this.. and say 'Expecto Patronum!'", when he said the incantation a stag appeared. It was beautiful and it pranced around all of us. It was blue and white and left a trail behind it. It even came up to me and nudged it's head on me and I smiled.
"It's the same patronus as our father Elizabeth," Harry smiled widely
"That's beautiful," I smiled back.
"Alright now you guys can begin prac-"
"Expecto Patronum!" Lunas petite voice said aloud. And a hare, which is a large rabbit, pranced around the room and jumped on walls. Luna giggled and it made us all smile.
I closed my eyes and focused. Focused on the first time I met Harry, and the picture he gave me. I focused on the moments I shared with Gracie. I focused on the night I laughed so hard with Draco I couldn't breathe. I focused on the times Draco played with my fingers and held my hand.
"Expecto Patronum!" I said aloud and a doe appeared in front me and it pranced around the room.
"Elizabeth! That was our mother's patronus!! I can't believe it...we are so lucky!" Harry jumped up and down joyously..I've never seen him so positive.
"Really! We really are," my eyes began to tear up and I smiled and watched the doe prance all around me.
Soon everyone was able to conjure up their patronus. Well everyone except Draco. He was still struggling, only ever getting a few sparks to appear.
"Draco we can try again tomorrow," I put my hand on his shoulder.
"No! I've got to do it now!" He sharply turned away making my hand drop beside me. Everyone stared at Draco who was trying his best to concentrate, his eyes squeezed shut with frustration.
It was getting difficult to watch.
I turned to Harry and whispered something in his ear. Soon they all left and it was just Draco and I. I sat by the chimney and watched as he kept trying to make a patronus appear.
"Draco.." I said calmly.
"WHAT!" He turned quickly.
I stared at him not saying anything.
He realized how he was acting and ran his fingers through his hair in stress, "I- I'm sorry. I just want to be like you all. I don't have enough happy memories. I don't have anything. I tried thinking of us Elizabeth I tried my hardest but it won't work. Why can't that just be enough! It makes me feel like I'm not happy! I am happy..well the happiest I've ever been in my life. But I guess it's not enough. I don't have enough memories to look back on." I saw tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Come here," I patted the space next to me, "take a break at least. You're stressing yourself out, you can't do a patronus with stress weighing on you."
He shrugged and sat next to me.
"It's not your fault you can't make a patronus yet. Alright so don't blame yourself Draco," I told him.
But his mind was elsewhere, I gently grabbed his chin and moved his face to look at mine. I looked into his watery grey eyes, his furrowed eyebrows and his soft frown that his pink lips formed...
The next thing I knew our lips were colliding. He placed both hands on my lower cheeks and pulled my face ever so gently towards him.

We both pulled away a few inches at the exact same time. We both looked into each others eyes at the exact same moment. We both shared the exact same smile. And we both leaned  towards each other to collide once more at the exact same second.
I will not lie to you all...I definitely almost shed a tear writing this. I posted way too much today but I just love this last scene I have to post it!!

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